Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


News Center

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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                  Michael L. May

Vol. 5 Is. 2                                                               Sept. 1, 2015



From the Editor


Another month has passed and we have continued to be “busy as little bees.”  As Mike so often says, “we don’t know how we got everything done when we worked.”  Mike spends at least an hour a day taking care of the swimming pool.  I’m sure he is happier the day they come to close it than he is the day they open it.  Now Paige doesn’t agree with that at all as she loves to swim.  Her birthday is Sept. 6 and she always has a swimming party at our pool to celebrate.  Karen says she isn’t paying for a public pool party when she can use Papa’s for nothing.  So that party is Saturday and we have the contract turned in to close the pool as soon as possible beginning September 8.  I hope they call to say they will be here on the 8th.  We definitely need to have it closed before we leave for Oklahoma on the 14th.


We have spent the last two Labor Day weekends camping at a BethPage which is a great RV park about 2 ½ hours southeast of here.  We so enjoy the time with Karen, Mark, and Paige.  Our schools started on August 31 this fall so Labor Day camping was out since we liked to go down on Thursday to get ahead of the crowds.  So we went a week early and spent this past weekend camping.  God blessed us with picture perfect weather—highs in the low 80’s with no humidity and lows in the high 50’s.  We needed long pants and a jacket sitting around the firepit at night.  Paige and cousin Gianna still were able to enjoy the water park during the day.  We all had a great time. 


The camping trip pushed us to get the RV ready so we don’t have as much to do in preparation to leave for Oklahoma.  We will leave here on the 14th and arrive at Tom Stead Lake on the 17th.  We are looking forward to time there to visit my brother and family and other friends.  Of course, Mike is definitely looking forward to the Roosevelt Reunion and hopes many of you plan to attend as well.


Mike has been having trouble with his eye again.  He went to the retina specialist two weeks ago and found that he had fluid behind the macula as well as some swelling.  The doctor believes it is the beginning of wet macula degeneration.  He gave him a shot and we go back on the 9th for another evaluation to determine if he needs another shot before we head out.  We are praying that this one shot will take care of the issue for a while.  Mike was really uncomfortable after the last shot.


We are looking forward to seeing many of you shortly.






Content Contributors for the Week


Jerry Alford, Class of 1959

Charles Curtis, Class of 1965

Kate (Roberts) Stafford, Class of 1955

Gary Wax



All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!







(Have a paper and pencil handy to record your answers.  Your mind isn't as sharp as it once was!)  This is NOT a pushover test.  It's a Baby Boomer era test!
There are 20 questions.  Average score is 12.  This one will be difficult for the younger set.  (DUDE!)  Have fun, but no peeking!  Good luck, youngsters, 
1. What builds strong bodies 12 ways?  
A. Flintstones vitamins 
B. The Buttmaster 
C. Spaghetti 
D. Wonder Bread  
E. Orange Juice  
F. Milk  
G. Cod Liver Oil 
2. Before he was Muhammed Ali, he was....  
A. Sugar Ray Robinson.  
B. Roy Orbison.  
C. Gene Autry.  
D. Rudolph Valentino.  
E. Fabian.  
F. Mickey Mantle.  
G. Cassius Clay. 
3. Pogo, the comic strip character said, 'We have met the enemy and....  
A. It's you.  
B. He is us.  
C. It's the Grinch.  
D. He wasn't home.  
E. He's really me and you.  
F. We quit.  
G. He surrendered. 
4. Good night, David.  
A. Good night, Chet  
B. Sleep well.
C. Good night, Irene.  
D. Good night, Gracie.  
E. See you later, alligator.  
F. Until tomorrow.  
G. Good night, Steve. 
5. You'll wonder where the yellow went...  
A. When you use Tide 
B. When you lose your crayons.  
C. When you clean your tub.  
D. If you paint the room blue.
E. If you buy a soft water tank.  
F. When you use Lady Clairol.  
G. When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.  
6. Before he was the Skipper's Little Buddy, Bob Denver was Dobie's friend...
A. Stuart Whitman.  
B. Randolph Scott.  
C. Steve Reeves...  
D. Maynard G. Krebs.  
E. Corky B. Dork.  
F. Dave the Whale.  
G. Zippy Zoo. 
7. Liar, liar...
A. You're a liar.  
B. Your nose is growing.  
C. Pants on fire.  
D. Join the choir
E. Jump up higher.  
F. On the wire.  
G. I'm telling Mom. 
8. Meanwhile, back in Metropolis, Superman fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and.....  
A. Wheaties.
B. Lois Lane.  
C. TV ratings.  
D. World peace.  
E. Red tights.  
F. The American way.  
G. News headlines. 
9. Hey kids!  What time is it? 

A. It's time for Yogi Bear.
B. It's time to do your homework.  
C. It's Howdy Doody Time.  
D. It's time for Romper Room.  
E. It's bedtime.  
F. The Mighty Mouse Hour.  
G. Scoopy Doo Time. 
10. Lions and tigers and bears!   
A. Yikes.  
B. Oh, no.  
C. Gee whiz.  
D. I'm scared...  
E. Oh my.  
F. Help! Help!  
G. Let's run. 
11. Bob Dylan advised us never to trust anyone....  
A. Over 40.  
B. Wearing a uniform.  
C. Carrying a briefcase.  
D. Over 30.  
E. You don't know.  
F. Who says, 'Trust me'.  
G. Who eats tofu. 
12. NFL quarterback who appeared in a television commercial wearing women's stockings...  
A. Troy Aikman  
B. Kenny Stabler  
C. Joe Namath  
D. Roger Staubach  
E. Joe Montana  
F. Steve Young  
G. John Elway 
13. Brylcream...  
A. Smear it on.  
B. You'll smell great.  
C. Tame that cowlick.  
D. Grease ball heaven.  
E. It's a dream.  
F. We're your team.  
G. A little dab'll do ya.  
14. I found my thrill.  
A. In Blueberry muffins.  
B. With my man, Bill.  
C. Down at the mill.  
D. Over the windowsill.  
E. With thyme and dill.
F. Too late to enjoy.  
G. On Blueberry Hill.  
15. Before Robin Williams, Peter Pan was played by...  
A. Clark Gable.  
B. Mary Martin.  
C. Doris Day.  
D. Errol Flynn.  
E. Sally Fields.  
F. Jim Carrey.  
G. Jay Leno. 
16. Name the Beatles...  
A. John, Steve, George, Ringo  
B. John, Paul, George, Roscoe  
C. John, Paul, Stacey, Ringo  
D. Jay, Paul, George, Ringo  
E. Lewis, Peter, George, Ringo  
F. Jason, Betty, Skipper, Hazel  
G. John, Paul, George, Ringo 
17. I wonder, wonder, who.  
A. Who ate the leftovers?  
B. Who did the laundry?  
C. Was it you?  
D. Who wrote the book of love?  
E. Who I am?  
F. Passed the test?  
G. Knocked on the door? 
18. I'm strong to the finish...  
A. Cause I eats my broccoli.  
B. Cause I eats me spinach.  
C. Cause I lift weights.  
D. Cause I'm the hero.  
E. And don't you for get it.  
F. Cause Olive Oyl loves me.  
G. To outlast Bruto
19. When it's least expected, you're elected, you're the star today.  
A. Smile, you're on Candid Camera. 
B. Smile, you're on Star Search.  
C. Smile, you won the lottery..  
D. Smile, we're watching you.  
E. Smile, the world sees you.  
F. Smile, you're a hit.  
G. Smile, you're on TV. 
20. What do M & Ms do?  
A. Make your tummy happy.!
B. Melt in your mouth, not in your pocket.  
C. Make you fat.  
D. Melt your heart.  
E. Make you popular.  
F. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand..  
G. Come in colors. 
Below are the right answers: 

1. D - Wonder Bread 
2. G - Cassius Clay 
3. B - He Is us 
4. A - Good night, Chet 
5. G - When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent 
6. D - Maynard G. Krebs
7. C - Pants on fire
8. F - The American Way
9. C - It's Howdy Doody Time 
10. E - Oh my 
11. D - Over 30 
12. C - Joe Namath 
13. G - A little dab'll do ya 
14. G - On Blueberry Hill 
15. B - Mary Martin 
16. G - John, Paul, George, Ringo 
17. D - Who wrote the book of Love 
18. B - Cause I eats me spinach 
19. A - Smile, you're on Candid Camera 
20. F - Melt in your mouth not in your hand  




Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair




One day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test.  They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin.  The professor handed out the question paper, with the text facing down as usual.   Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn the page and begin.   To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions….just a black dot in the center of the page.  The professor seeing the expression on everyone’s face, told them the following:


“I want you to write what you see there.”


The students confused, got started on the inexplicable task.  At the end of the class, the professor took all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students.  All of them with no exceptions, described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. etc. etc. After all had been read, the classroom silent, the professor began to explain: 

“I am not going to grade on you this.  I just wanted to give you something to think about.  No one wrote about the white part of the paper.  Everyone focused on the black dot – and the same happens in our lives.  We have a white paper to observe and enjoy, but we always focus on the dark spots.  Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrate – nature renewing itself everyday, our friends around us, the job that provides our livelihood, the miracles we see everyday…….


However, we insist on focusing only on the dark spots – the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the complicated relationship with a family member, the disappointment with a friend, etc.  The dark spots are very small compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. 

Take your eyes away from the black spots in your life.  Enjoy each one of your blessings, each moment that life gives you.


Be happy and live a life positively!




Little Boy’s Explanation of God


THIS IS FABULOUS!!!  It was written by an 8-year-old named Danny Dutton, who lives in Chula Vista, CA.  He wrote it for his third grade homework assignment, to 'explain God.'  I wonder if any of us could have done as well?    
(And he had such an assignment, in California, and someone published it...
I guess miracles do happen!)

EXPLANATION OF GOD:  'One of God's main jobs is making people.  He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth.  He doesn't make grownups, just babies.  I think because they are smaller and easier to make.  That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk.  He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.'

'God's second most important job is listening to prayers.  An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime.    God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this.  Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off.'

'God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy.  So you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over your mom and dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.'

'Atheists are people who don't believe in God.  I don't think there are any in Chula Vista.  At least there aren't any who come to our church.'

'Jesus is God's Son.  He used to do all the hard work, like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God.  They finally got tired of him preaching to them and they crucified him.  But he was good and kind, like his father, and he told his father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K.'

'His dad (God) appreciated everything that he had done and all his hard work on earth so he told him he didn't have to go out on the road anymore.  He could stay in heaven.  So he did.  And now he helps his dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones he can take care of himself without having to bother God.  Like a secretary, only more important.'

'You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.'

'You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God!

Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach.  This is wrong.  And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.'

'If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can.  It is good to know He's around you when you're scared, in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids.'

' shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you.  I figure God put me here and he can take me back anytime he pleases.


And...that's why I believe in God.'


Have an awesome day, and know that someone has thought about you!




Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.




Cooperton Valley Picture Trail


The “Cooperton Valley” Picture Trail site has been renewed for all to enjoy.  Thanks to Karen (Johnson) Mason for funding this site for the coming year.  This site has many pictures from past Cooperton School reunions.  We hope that you will find these photos interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past (or if you have and wondered where it went).  Go to to visit the site.




Interesting Tidbits


How to Test a Battery


Never heard of this before but pretty cool, watch to the end, only 90 seconds long.




China Seen through a Drone


This is very interesting.






Roosevelt Senior Citizens


The Roosevelt Senior Citizens serves lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Lunch for Seniors is $4 and for the younger generation is $5.


The menu for the month of February is as follows:


Tuesday, Sept. 1:  Roast Pork Loin, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Beans, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Thursday, Sept. 3:  Hamburger Casserole, Corn, Cole Slaw, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert 


Tuesday, Sept. 8:  Smothered Chicken, Potatoes/Gravy, Sweet Peas, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Thursday, Sept. 10:  Ham and Beans, Stewed Potatoes, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Tuesday, Sept. 15:  Enchiladas, Refried Beans, Spanish Rice, Salad Bar, Dessert


Thursday, Sept. 17:  Beef Tips and Rice, Broccoli Medley, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Tuesday, Sept. 22:  Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Corn Medley, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Thursday, Sept. 24:  Lasagna, Green Beans, Garlic Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Tuesday, Sept. 29:  Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Corn, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert




Roosevelt School Reunion




This will be the last news publication before we all come together for our 2015 reunion.   So please send in your registration form and remember to bring your items to donate for the auction.  It is a lot of fun and a chance to show off your talents.


Dan Hayslip




Roosevelt High School will be holding its 2015 All Alumni Reunion in Roosevelt, Oklahoma, Friday and Saturday, September 25th & 26th.  The weekend will begin Friday evening with our Welcome Alumni Mixer from 6:30 until 9:00 p.m. at the Roosevelt Community Center, formally the Roosevelt Grade School.  Saturday the festivities start at 8:30 a.m. with refreshments served during registration and continue throughout the day and evening, concluding with music and dancing from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.  All Roosevelt Alumni, family and friends are invited to attend all functions.  Come and enjoy a weekend in Roughrider Country.  


Registration Form and Information




Friday, September 25, 2015


·       6:30-9:00pm:   Mixer at the Roosevelt Grade School; snacks and sodas provided.  **Donations Accepted**


Saturday, September 26, 2015 - Roosevelt Grade School


·       8:30-12pm:             Registration, Refreshments

·       11:30-1:30:   Concession lunch available

·       2:00-4:00:     Fund-Raising Auction & 50/50 Drawing

·       4:30:             Alumni Business Meeting

                               Old/New Business

                                               Election of Officers 

·       5:00-6:30:      Evening Meal, Catered by Klein’s Catering Service (BBQ) $15.00 per person in advance/$20.00 at the door (if available).

·       7:00-10:00:   Entertainment


We ask that you make every attempt to make your reservations in advance in order to help the committee plan this event.  Reservation form and payment must be received by September 1, 2015 to guarantee meal tickets will be available at registration.


Motels and Bed & Breakfasts Available in Altus, Hobart, Quartz Mtn. and other surrounding areas.


Detach and return with payment to:  Roosevelt Alumni, PO Box 44, Roosevelt OK  73564



Alumni Name                                                               Class of               _____

Spouse, Friend, or Relative’s Name, also Attending                                   _____

Address                                                City                        State  ___ Zip        

Email address                                                                              

Phone number                                                                             

Number to attend Friday Mixer                  **Donations accepted**

Number to attend Saturday night meal              @ $15.00 each =                      



Editor’s Note:  The reunion will be here before we know it.  Please pass this information to all of your friends and family and encourage everyone to get their registration in and plan to be there for some great visiting and catching up on old times.




Website for Alumni Information


The names and addresses of the alumni from the most recent information provided to the Alumni Association have been loaded on  Each alumna can go to this website, select Oklahoma and then Roosevelt and only Roosevelt High School will appear.  When you choose Roosevelt High School, it will bring up all the years for the classes but since we are an "all school" association, the entire database is loaded on 2009 so you need to click on that year.  Every alumna’s name, address and whether they are deceased is already in the database.  When logging on for the first time, the alumni will need to register using their email address as their user ID and create their own password.  This will get you logged in.  Next, you want to click on "Edit my Profile".  It will bring up your personal information.  Classreports will never show a person's street address and defaults to "no" on whether to display your city and state.  The alumni have to allow it to show that along with their email address.


We want to stress that is this is not a public website like or facebook.  There are no ads, no spam, no pop ups and no fees.  They do not sell email addresses and your personal information is in no way compromised.  It is funded through personal donations and our class is fully funded through November 2015.  We encourage each and every Roosevelt alumni to go to the website, register, and check their profile information.  Please make any corrections so that we have the most up-to-date information on each of you.  This will certainly be helpful to the Alumni Association in getting information out about future reunions




Dan Hayslip




Kiowa County Genealogical Society Meeting


The Kiowa County Genealogical Society will meet Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Elk Creek Tribal Cemetery (also known as K-C-A Intertribal Burial Grounds).  Directions from the flashing lights at the intersection of South Broadway and Highway 9 in Hobart are:  go 4 miles south on paved road known as Ice Plant Road and then east ½ mile.


We are very excited to have Richard, Diana and Ernie Kauahquo conduct our program at the Elk Creek Tribal Cemetery.  They will show us around the cemetery and will talk about tribal burial ceremony customs and traditions which have been passed down through the years.  We appreciate Karen Hoover making the arrangements for this program.  Afterwards, we will meet in the Slaner room at the Library for refreshments and a brief business meeting.


Everyone is welcome to attend.




Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:




September 1 – George Farrar, Class of 1969

September 1 – Tonya Burton

September 3 – Jennifer Moore, Class of 1968

September 4 – Billie (Pollard) Boren, Class of 1967

September 6 – Reid Davis, Class of 1973

September 8 – Carolyn (Hester) Martin
September 8 – Alice Law
September 9 – Tristan Howard
September 9 – Carie Stroud
September 9 – Lynn Davis
September 9 – Stormy (Jackson) Vanzant

September 10 – Karla Armstrong  
September 10 – Eddie Gibbons
September 10 – Ryvers Simmons, Class of 1989
September 10 – Kent Walker
September 10 – Jerry Downen
September 11 – Shawn Moore
September 11 – David Everett
September 11 – Glen Brazil, Class of 1971
September 12 – Garrett Copeland
September 12 – Ralph Jesse Dickson

September 12 – Jimmy Neuwirth
September 13 – Cat Coffman
September 13 – Pat Miller
September 13 – Norris Lee Dickson

September 14 – Eric Jackson, Class of 1962

September 14 – Penny (Martin) McCuiston

September 14 – Louise Smith,

September 15 – Keith Morgan, Class of 1972

September 15 – Debbie (Farris) Bryant, Class of 1972

September 15 – Marsha (Cooper) Hill, Class of 1972

September 20 – Medina Swiggart

September 21 – Glenda (Brazil) Jenkins, Class of 1991

September 21 – Gereldene Durham
September 21 – Michael Saville
September 21 – Cindy Garrison
September 21 – Ramona Cline
September 21 – Will Funkhouser
September 21 – Julie Funkhouser
September 22 – Brooke Chapman
September 22 – Rich Ainslee
September 23 – Matthew Ragsdale
September 23 – Steve Boyd
September 23 – Chris Martin, Class of 1991
September 24 – Ramona Cline
September 24 – Tom Alford, Class of 1953
September 25 – Julie Funkhouser
September 26 – Cindy Garrison
September 26 – Karey (Phillips) Kirkendoll
September 27 – Lindsey McCuiston

September 28 – Mary Jan (Jackson) Swanson, Class of 1967
September 28 – Carson Lane Jackson
September 29 – Chris Ankney, Class of 1985
September 30 – Louann Cook, Class of 1958
September 30 – Dolly Beck



September 8 – Cat & Madoline Coffman

September 23 – Ray & Virginia (Simmons) Walker, Class of 1954

September 24 – Kate & Wayne Stafford, Class of 1955
September 26 – Odie Lee & Debbie Hopkins







Father Norton woke up Sunday morning and realizing it was an exceptionally beautiful and sunny early spring day, decided he just had to play golf.

So... he told the Associate Pastor that he was feeling sick and persuaded him to say Mass for him that day.

As soon as the Associate Pastor left the room, Father Norton headed out of town to a golf course about forty miles away.

This way he knew he wouldn't accidentally meet anyone he knew from his parish. Setting up on the first tee, he was alone.  After all, it was Sunday morning and everyone else was in church!

At about this time, Saint Peter leaned over to the Lord while looking down from the heavens and exclaimed, "You're not going to let him get away with this, are you?"

The Lord sighed, and said, "No, I guess not."

Just then Father Norton hit the ball and it shot straight towards the pin, dropping just short of it, rolled up and fell into the hole.


St. Peter was astonished. He looked at the Lord and asked, "Why did you let him do that?"

The Lord smiled and replied, "Who's he going to tell?"




Momma meant business!!! 


A police officer called the station on his radio.  "I have an interesting case here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she had just mopped."


"Have you arrested the woman?"


"Not yet.  The floor's still wet."




From the Email “Bag”


August 29, 1915


Does anyone remember or, better yet currently know, any of the children of TW & Wraye Combs:  Roberta (Born 1933), Phillip or Linda Combs?


They can email me at




Carla Rickerd




Food for Thought


The Parents Who Drugged Us


At my 50th high school reunion a friend asked me, 'Why didn't we have a drug problem when we were growing up?'


I replied that I had a drug problem when I was young:  I was drug to church on Sunday morning.  I was drug to church for weddings and funerals.  I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather.


I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults.  I    was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, did not speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher or the pastor, or if

I didn't put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me.


I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profanity.  I was drug out to pull weeds in mom's garden and flower beds.  I was drug to the homes of neighbors to help mow the yard, repair the clothesline, and if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip for this kindness, my dad would have drug me back to the woodshed.


Those drugs are still in my veins and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, or think.  They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin, and if today's    children had this kind of drug problem, this world would be a better place.


God bless the parents who drugged us, and for those that didn't, I'm really sorry...




Under Observation


About 8 days ago I sent you the information below.  At the time, I had no idea it would manifest itself so useful to my family about 5 days later.  We often hear these stories and disregard them as something that happens to other folks. Fortunately, one of my niece’s paid attention.  My sister who is 93 fell and broke her hip.  I was out of town when she called to let me know.  My niece, Carole, was present for the paperwork procedure and when she reviewed the admission form saw the hospital had typed in “Under Observation.”  She demanded they change it to “In Patient” saying she would not sign on behalf of her mother until they had done so… and they did.  If you or a loved one is under Medicare, you’d best let them know about this new wrinkle.  This is serious.  Had Carole not paid attention to the news story and been alert at admission, her mother would have been billed instead of Medicare.  If she had been unable to pay it would have resulted in a lien against any assets she had.



TWO WORDS, "UNDER OBSERVATION" could ruin you financially!
Whether you are the Medicare recipient or your older family relative is, this is something of which you must be aware BEFORE a trip to the hospital.  Saw it last evening on NBC Nightly News and was shocked.  Never heard of this before and you probably have not either.      


Anyone who is on Medicare needs to watch this short video clip.  If you know folks in this age bracket, please pass this on, could save a major hardship.   Please don't have an "It can't happen to me" attitude.  Things are changing fast and not all are in our best interest.






Lottie Callen, 100


Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Peoples Cooperative Funeral Home of Lone Wolf, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Centerville Cemetery (west of Mt. Park) on Find A Grave


Cooperton Green Valley Cemetery on Find A Grave


Cooperton Spring Hill Cemetery on Find A Grave


Gotebo Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Saddle Mountain KCA Intertribal Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



News Center -- Always Available Online


Remember--past, current, and all future editions of “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition” can be viewed online from any computer at:  We highly recommend that you bookmark this link.


We have removed the ability to send us information from this page since the site was commandeered by someone using the site to send spam.  You can send us news you may have through my email address:




Email Addresses


This newsletter is an email edition.  The only way for you to receive it and keep up-to-date with your friends from Roosevelt is for you to keep us informed of changes to your email address.  So please be sure to notify us at should your email address change.  We also encourage you to send us email addresses for friends and family who might also like to receive the newsletter so that we can include them on our list.






We welcome your comments and feedback on the “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition.”  Send comments and feedback to:




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