Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                      Michael L. May

Vol. 3, Is. 7                                                                                        Aug. 30, 2013



From the Editor


Well this is a little difficult.  I’m trying to write an editorial for August 30th here on August 18th.  You see I plan to be quite busy during the time that this should be written.  The editorial for August 23 is already written since I have surgery scheduled for the day before that issue of the paper is to go out and I’m not sure if while still groggy after anesthetic would be the best time to attempt to write.  To complicate things for the 30th, in addition to being only a week post surgery, Kevin, Brenda, and our two Georgia Grandbabies, Raegan and Parker will be coming on Friday after Wednesday’s surgery and staying until Wednesday the 28th prior to the next issue being due on the 30th.  Obviously, I have no interest in anything interfering with the time I have to spend with the “Georgia contingent” and their Virginia sister, brother-in-law, and cousin.


So simply we must enter into a subject that is not time sensitive.  I think it’s safe to say that if I were writing this when it should be written that I would like to be telling you that my surgery was a complete success and that the sharp, grinding pain that I had in my knee was gone replaced the more comfortable pain associated with rapid healing and recovery from the minor intrusion of the arthroscopic procedure.  Additionally, I know that I would be telling of the great time we had with the “Grandchildren--not only the Georgia crowd, but our little “Virginia Granddaughter.”  I know that I would be expressing how happy it made Nana and me to have the opportunity for all three of them to be together and get to better know each other and learn the meaning of what it means to be a “cousin.”  I know that I would express how happy we were to give Karen and Mark the opportunity to serve as and be recognized as “Aunt and Uncle” to Raegan and Parker and Kevin and Brenda to do the same with Paige.


My cousin in Georgia posts a thought for the day on FB each day and today he had a great one.  To paraphrase, it said something like this, “Interesting that children and grandchildren don’t show pictures of their parents and grandparents to their friends.”  This thought hadn’t ever crossed my mind, but it most certainly amused me.


I have many times made references to family in this editorial, but make no apology for this.  Family is so important and fulfilling.  My heart aches for those who do not have close family ties, especially to assist them in making the transition into the Golden Years.  I have several friends who have recently retired, but continue to stay closely attached to their “former” careers.  That’s their choice, but when that attachment forces Grandmother to be with their son’s family during the birth of a Grandson while Granddad stays home to continue his “recently vacated” career, I call this “opportunity missed.”  At our age, we MUST realize the fragility of life.  Short of a miracle, at my age, I will not live to see my Grandchildren grown.  Knowing that, I can’t “afford” to miss any moment that I can spend with any of them.  As the old adage says, “They are the light of my life” (and Nana’s) and do more to keep us young than anything else.


Well, it should be no surprise that all the thoughts I “penned” about what I expected to happen “Post Surgery” pretty much all came to pass--had a GREAT visit with all the kids, Georgia and Virginia alike and as Carolyn “leaked” at the end of last week’s editorial, the surgery went quite well.  In fact, one week post surgery, I’m walking unassisted from a cane or walker.  No, all the pain is not completely gone and I still have a little stiffness in the knee, but it is so much better and I expect it to continue to improve over the next few weeks.  I am feeling good enough that we’re leaving in the morning (Thursday) on a Labor Day camping trip with our Virginia kids.  Oh yes, they’ll have to help PaPa with my camp setup, but I feel good enough that I know we’ll have a great time.  I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Labor Day!






Content Contributors for the Week


Jerry Alford, Class of 1959

Charles Curtis, Class of 1965

Jim Whitson, Class of 1957


All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!






We still encourage each of you to write a remembrance you have of Roosevelt or send us a query that we hope will stir the interest of other readers so that they respond with their memories of the event or person.  We know that all would enjoy should an exchange.


This week we are printing a post that Jerry Hayslip, Class of 1964, made on Facebook.  It tells a great story about a time in Jerry’s life since leaving Roosevelt.  We thought those who may not see Jerry’s post on Facebook would definitely enjoy. 


A sad but happy or relief day today.  In 1991 I became the owner of Ace Limousine, and for 21 yrs I met thousands of people whether it was a wedding or girls night out, guys night out, birthdays, anniversary.  It was a fun time for me and my guests.  One of the best times I ever had was doing the Make a Wish Foundation.  I loved going to a house where a young boy or girl was sick and their wish was always a trip to Disney World and a ride in a limousine.  When I would pull up and get out I would roll out the red carpet before going to the door.  If it was a girl I always had a long stem red rose for her, and if it was a boy I would give him a $5 bill in an envelope.  But the smile on their little face was priceless.  With all the pain from that cancer, they were so thrilled to ride in the limo to the airport to go to Fla. to Disney World.  This I can take to my grave for being a very small part of a little child’s life.  But today my limousine venture ended when I sold both cars at an auction at Altus.  As I left I looked at a little small limo and said thank you for 9 yrs of wonderful memories in you.  And as I looked at the 41 foot limo, I said thank God and greyhound you are gone.  So just wanted to share my life of 22 yrs with the limousines.


(Editor’s Note:  Below are the comments from Jerry’s friends about the above post.)


Judy Stockton:  Sounds like you had a good 21years.


Terri Hulsey:  You definitely made Gavin's 16th birthday one of his best with the limo ride!


Kortnie Kristene Reiche:  Don't know how many times I've ridden in those limos :)) but memories I will always cherish!


Linda Conn Perdue:  Thank you for sharing this with your Facebook Friends and Family. I've known you for 60 years and it is sooo wonderful when someone you know shares part of their life with you.


Nita Coffman Kliewer:  Great story...from the heart.


Reba Smith Carlton:  Hey Jerry I just wanted you to know that you made a lot of people in my life very happy from my granddaughter graduating into high school, to my grandson's 18th birthday, to my mom's 80th birthday( her first time in a limo), to my anniversary.  You are a wonderful person and we miss you and Enid very much.  Thank you for the wonderful memories.


Margaret Rohlmeier:  Thanks for all the good times.


Bonnie S. Pickett:  It's interesting how many turns our life takes when we live a long, full life.  When one door opens, another closes.  I hope you have years of great memories in your newest adventure and make more friends.  You can never have enough friends.


George Farrar:  I love your stories. You should write a book.


Barbara Jan Pederson:  Jerry you should write a book about your rides. I bet it would be an interesting read. Just remember when one door closes another will open. Congratulations for your 21 years!


Marilyn G. Lester:  Jerry Hayslip, I know your kind heart and gentle nature blessed every one of your clients.


Jennifer Moore:  Your passengers enjoyed their ride no matter the event.. and YOU made that possible. I am sure this is a bittersweet goodbye.. glad that it is over and sad that that part of your life is over. I know you did a great service. And I agree with George and Barbara Jan, you should write a book.


Diane Skelley:  I can remember all to well the good times but also the pain and no gain.  I second the statement on the BIG limo.  I will hate that BIG thing forever.


(Editor’s Note:  Below is more to the story from Jerry after his friends commented.)


Jerry Hayslip:  Thank you guys for your comments and thank you guys that used the limo sometime in your life and thanks for letting me be a small part of your event.  I will give you four occasions that I think that comes to mind as being the most interesting:  the happiest, the saddest, and the funniest, and most talked about.  1.  The happiest was being a small part of a child’s life in the Make a Wish Foundation.  2.  The saddest, taking my best friend and family to her brother's funeral.  3. The funniest, I picked up 5 boys age around 13.  It was one of the boy’s birthday party.  As we were riding around they wanted to go over to party time or party place.  When they came back out and got into the limo with the solid partition up, they think I couldn't hear them.  They put in a c-d that had 100 different body noises.  People let me tell you something, between hearing the c-d and the comments from the boys, I was crying in the front seat from laughter, to the point I couldn't hardly drive the car.  This went on for one hour.  I laughed I know about 2 pints of water out of my body.  4.  And the most talked about was back in 1993, when a guy by the name of Nathan Williams used my limo to go and rob a bank at 44th and South Penn in Okla. City. and his tip was the highest that I ever received in the whole 21 years in service.  He gave me a $250 tip.  Even though it was the bank's money I thanked him very much for it.  He was caught 6 weeks later walking down the street in Salt Lake City, Utah, and he got 35 months in prison.  My stories are endless in what was done with that limousine.  So thank you Lord and my friends and customers for making one-third of my life a story book.  Thank you guys for being my friends on Facebook.


Editor’s Note:  Now that you all have enjoyed Jerry’s story and the banter with his Facebook friends, we believe you can see that it would be worth your time to give us something for our readers to banter about. - cnm




Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


Ice Cream Cone

I'm off to get an ice cream cone!

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

One day I had lunch with some friends.  Jim, a short, balding golfer type about 80 years old, came along with them---all in all, a pleasant bunch.

When the menus were presented, we ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, "Ice Cream, please.  Two scoops, chocolate.

I wasn't sure my ears heard right, and the others were aghast.  "Along with heated apple pie," Jim added, completely unabashed.

We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time.  But when our orders were brought out, I didn't enjoy mine.

I couldn't take my eyes off Jim as his pie a-la-mode went down.  The other guys couldn't believe it.  They ate their lunches silently and grinned.

The next time I went out to eat, I called and invited Jim.  I lunched on white meat tuna.  He ordered a parfait.  I smiled.  He asked if he amused me.  I answered, "Yes, you do, but also you confuse me.  How come you order rich desserts, while I feel I must be sensible?”


He laughed and said, "I'm tasting all that is possible.  I try to eat the food I need, and do the things I should.  But life's so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good.  This year I realized how old I was. (He grinned) I haven't been this old before."


"So, before I die, I've got to try those things that for years I had ignored.  I haven't smelled all the flowers yet.  There are too many trout streams I haven't fished. There are more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead.”

“There are too many golf courses I haven't played.  I've not laughed at all the jokes.  I've missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and cokes.  I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face.  I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace.  I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast.  I want un-timed long distance calls to the folks I love the most.  I haven't cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain.   I need to feel wind on my face. I want to be in love again.”

“So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before night fall, I'd say I died a winner, because I missed out on nothing.  I filled my heart's desire.  I had that final chocolate mousse before my life expired."

With that, I called the waitress over. "I've changed my mind," I said.  "I want what he is having, only add some more whipped cream!"

This is my gift to you - We need an annual Friends Day!  Live well, love much & laugh often - Be happy.

SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS including me if I'm lucky enough to be counted among them.

Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we like and respect.  Remember that while money talks,




Roosevelt High School Reunion


The Reunion is a month away.  In an effort to cut costs the registration form will not be mailed out.  Please let all of your friends who may not be on the Roosevelt News—East Coast Edition distribution list know and share a copy of the Registration Form with them.  Also, remember that the count for the dinner must be turned in by Sept. 15 so you need to get your registration and money in to be sure you have dinner on Sat. night.  Only a limited number of meal tickets will be available at the door so don’t wait. 




Friday, September 27, 2013


·         6:30-9:00pm:   Mixer at the Roosevelt Grade School; snacks and sodas provided.  **Donations Accepted**


Saturday, September 28, 2013 - Roosevelt Grade School


·         8:30-12pm:   Registration, Refreshments

·         11:30-1:30:     Concession lunch available

·         1:00-1:30:       Alumni Business Meeting

1.      Financial Review

·                               2.  Election of President

·         2:00-4:00:       Fund-Raising Auction

5:00-6:30:       Evening Meal, Catered by Klein’s Catering Service (BBQ)  $15.00 per person in advance/$20.00 at the door (if available).

·         7:00-10:00:   Entertainment


We ask that you make every attempt to make your reservations in advance in order to help the committee plan this event.  Reservation form and payment must be received by September 10, 2013 to guarantee meal tickets will be available at registration.


Motels and Bed & Breakfasts Available in Altus, Hobart, Quartz Mtn. and other surrounding areas.


Detach and return with payment to: Roosevelt Alumni, PO Box 341, Roosevelt OK  73564



Alumni Name                                                                                   Class of                    

Spouse, Friend, or Relative’s Name, also attending                                                    

Address                                                         City                             State   ___ Zip          

Email address                                                                                              

Phone number                                                                                            

Number to attend Friday Mixer                     **Donations accepted**

Number to attend Saturday night meal                 @ $15.00 each =                            







Need A Place to Stay for the Reunion


If you are planning on attending the reunion and have not yet made hotel reservations, Jerry Hayslip has one room available at the Hanna House in Hobart.  All of his other rooms have been booked by Roosevelt Alumni so it would give you an opportunity for more visiting while enjoying the hospitality of Jerry and Enid.  The room is $75.30 per night including tax.  Breakfast is included.  You can call Jerry at 580-726-2161 to make the reservation.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity/




Entertainment for Saturday night has been lined up.  Ricky Rodrigues, a singer who has opened for stars like Crystal Gayle, Pam Tillis, the World Famous Platters, Eli Young Band, Blake Shelton, Merle Haggard and more will perform.  He will sing songs from the 60’s to the current date and has a show to go with it.  This will be a great evening of entertainment to cap off the reunion.


Reservations for Reunion


The following have registered to attend the Roosevelt High School Reunion, September 27 and 28.  Send your reservation in and join these to have a great time visiting with old friends.


Class of 1945:  Joyce Henson and Annette Williams


Class of 1949:  Norine (Goodin) Jackson and Willie


Class of 1951:  Betty (Block) Broadus, Lena (Kenimar) Harris and James


Class of 1953:  Evelyn (Lanterman) Walters, Tom Alford


Class of 1954:  Judy (Johnson) Erickson


Class of 1956:  Buck Cook, Charles and Barbara Pollard, Dwight Peterson


Class of 1957:  Donna Williams, Walter Farrar, Albert Perkins


Class of 1958:  Arden Beavers and Sharon, Lou Ann (Hester) Cook


Class of 1959:  Jerry Alford and Lenora, Norwood Pollard, Mike Berridges


Class of 1960:  Joel Cook


Class of 1961:  Judy Williams and Eddie, Deanna (Miller) Cook


Class of 1962:  Dan Hayslip


Class of 1963:  John Alford, Ted Schrader and family


Class of 1964:  Bonnie (Pollard) Phillips and John


Class of 1988:  Michael Chard and Linda Melton


Class of 1991:  Glenda Ann Jenkins and Cody and Shawn, Krystal (Mahoney) Lancaster


Others:  Carolyn Martin, Merl and Kathy Pollard, Marge Jean Salhus






The 2011 Roosevelt High School Class Reunion was held on September 30 and October 1, 2011, in Roosevelt, Oklahoma, at the Grade School.  Several alumni donated items that were auctioned off during the festivities to raise funds for the alumni association to help finance future alumni events and keep costs to a level that all may enjoy.  So please remember to bring your items to donate for the auction on Saturday.  It is a lot of fun and a chance to show off your talents.  Don’t miss out on the third fund-raising auction to be held at the 2013 Reunion on Saturday, September 28 between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.  If you have any special talent, arts and crafts, recipes, old or unused items, bring them on down and we will auction them off—anything from your favorite home-made jams, quilts, tractor, old phonographs, etc.


If anyone need more information or has questions about the reunion, please call Dan Hayslip at 972-938-3703 or 214-796-3131 or email him at




Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.




Cooperton Valley Picture Trail


The “Cooperton Valley” Picture Trail site has been renewed for all to enjoy.  Thanks to Karen (Johnson) Mason for funding this site for the coming year.  This site has many pictures from past Cooperton School reunions.  We hope that you will find these photos interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past (or if you have and wondered where it went).  Go to to visit the site.




Interesting Tidbits


Opening World Series Pitch - 12 Years Ago


This is enlightening.  Most people are not aware that a secret service agent dressed as an umpire the night President Bush threw out the first pitch during the 2001 World Series at Yankee Stadium.  Great story.


It is surprising that none of the newspaper reporters ever picked up on the "stranger" in the umpire's uniform.  Remember this was just after 9/11.


Opening World Series Pitch - 12 years ago.  This is our country at one of its best moments....






Roosevelt Senior Citizens


The Roosevelt Senior Citizens will reopen on Tuesday, September 3.  Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Stop in and enjoy a good meal while visiting with your friends.


The menu for next week is as follows:


Tuesday, September 3:  Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Corn, Salad Bar, and Dessert


Thursday, September 5:  Hamburger, Spicy Oven Fries, Beans, Salad Bar, and Dessert




Community Supper at Roosevelt


There will be a free community supper at Roosevelt First Baptist Church from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., August 28.  Sloppy Joes and chips will be served.  Dessert will be ice cream from the Ice Cream Freeze-off.  All ice cream makers are invited to bring a freezer of ice cream.  Entries will be judged with the best ice cream maker taking home a plaque.




Cooperton Community Supper


A Cooperton Community Supper will be held on Saturday night, September 7 at 6:30 p.m.  The supper will be at the Cooperton multi-purpose building.


Everyone is invited to bring a covered dish and come enjoy the evening.




Roosevelt First Baptist Church Revival


The Roosevelt First Baptist Church will hold a revival, Sunday, September 8 through Wednesday, September 11.  Sunday worship will be at 11:00 a.m. with the youth meeting at 5:00 p.m. followed by evening worship at 6:00 p.m.  Services Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be at 7:00 p.m.  The Evangelist will be Earl Stephenson from the First Baptist Church of Weatherford.  The music leaders will be the Praise Team from Olustee.


The church will have a block party on Saturday night, September 7 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served at the block party.


For more information, call 580-639-2291.




Firestorm 2013


The Southern Kiowa County Chamber of Commerce and the Snyder FFA Chapter will jointly sponsor the 2nd Annual benefit for the local fire departments.  Firestorm 2013 will be September 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Snyder School Cafeteria.  The event will feature a “donations only” spaghetti dinner and live and silent auctions.  Firestorm T-shirts will be sold for $12 each.  The proceeds from the non-profit event will go to assist fire departments in Snyder, Mt. Park, Roosevelt, Cooperton, and Con 8.  For more information call Bank of the Wichitas, 569-2313, or Brent Ervin, Snyder FFA Adviser, 301-0196.  Make plans to attend this worthwhile event.




Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


August 30 – Sara Copeland
August 30 – Jared Ryan Raasch

September 1 – George Farrar, Class of 1969

September 1 – Tonya Burton

September 1 – Jan (Perkins) Sullins, Class of 1969

September 3 – Jennifer Moore, Class of 1968

September 4 – Billie (Pollard) Boren, Class of 1967






St Francis Explaining Grass to God


Thought you ‘gardeners’ & others too, would enjoy this conversation between GOD and St. Francis.  It's pretty funny because it's so true.


GOD:  Frank, you know all about gardens and nature.  What in the world is going on down there on the planet?  What happened to the dandelions, violets, milkweeds and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan.  Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honey bees and flocks of songbirds.  I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now.

But, all see are these green rectangles.


ST. FRANCIS:  It's the tribes that settled there, Lord.  The Suburbanites!  They started calling your flowers 'weeds' and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.


GOD:  Grass?  But, it's so boring.  It's not colorful.  It doesn't attract butterflies, birds and bees; only grubs and sod worms. It's sensitive to temperatures.  Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?


ST. FRANCIS:  Apparently so, Lord.  They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green.  They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn.


GOD:  The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really fast.  That must make the Suburbanites happy.


ST. FRANCIS:  Apparently not, Lord.  As soon as it grows a little, they cut it, sometimes twice a week.


GOD:  They cut it?  Do they then bale it like hay?


ST. FRANCIS:  Not exactly, Lord.  Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.


GOD:  They bag it?  Why?  Is it a cash crop?  Do they sell it?


ST. FRANCIS:  No, Sir, just the opposite.  They pay to throw it away.


GOD:  Now, let me get this straight.  They fertilize grass so it will grow.  And, when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?


ST. FRANCIS:  Yes, Sir.


GOD: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat.  That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of work.


ST. FRANCIS:  You aren't going to believe this, Lord.  When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it, so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.


GOD:  What nonsense.  At least they kept some of the trees.  That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself.  The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer.  In the autumn, they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes.  It's a natural cycle of life.


ST. FRANCIS:  You better sit down, Lord.  The Suburbanites have drawn a new circle.  As soon as the leaves fall, they rake them into great piles and pay to have them hauled away.


GOD:  No!?  What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter to keep the soil moist and loose?


ST. FRANCIS:  After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy something which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves.


GOD:  And where do they get this mulch?


ST. FRANCIS:  They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch.


GOD:  Enough!  I don't want to think about this anymore.  St. Catherine, you're in charge of the arts.  What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?


ST. CATHERINE:  'Dumb And Dumber', Lord.  It's a story about...


GOD:  Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis.




From the Email “Bag”


August 23, 2013


Mike & Carolyn:  


Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed today's Roosevelt News.  I read every single word!  Thank you for all the effort you put into this project.




Linda Melton




August 24, 2013


I Thank God for Michael being better.


Joye Johnson






Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Peoples Cooperative Funeral Home of Lone Wolf, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Centerville Cemetery (west of Mt. Park) on Find A Grave


Cooperton Green Valley Cemetery on Find A Grave


Cooperton Spring Hill Cemetery on Find A Grave


Gotebo Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Saddle Mountain KCA Intertribal Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



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