Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                      Michael L. May

Vol. 3, Is. 36                                                                                      Mar. 21, 2014



From the Editor


We finally got an opportunity to “breathe” last Friday.  When I uncovered my wound from where the melanoma was removed on Friday, I notice a bulge in the skin between the stitches and my eye--which I hadn’t noticed earlier.  As it turns out it was really there from the beginning and confirmed when we made a quick trip back to the doctor Friday morning and he presented his explanation for its presence.  He explained that by stitching the wound horizontally rather than laterally to keep from “tugging” at my eye, he created a bulge of loose skin between the stitches and my eye because the skin was pulled so tight to cover the wound.  He said that as soon as the skin over the wound stretched (which it will) the bulge will then flatten out.  However, that information was not the most important that we learned on Friday.  As he entered the examining room with a slight smile on his face he announced, “I have good news.  We got the pathology back and the melanoma wasn’t as deep and they thought and we got it all!”  My next question was, “Will I have further follow up to this?”  He responded, “Yes” and my heart sank.  That comment was immediately followed with, “You’ll have to come back and get the stitches out.”  That was to happen yesterday (I’m writing this on Tuesday), but due to the snow his office was closed and we’ll go in this afternoon to get that done.  I plan to get copies of the pathology report from the original biopsy and the removed melanoma while there.  I’m still searching “between the lines” to see if there’s anything we’re missing.  Unfortunately, that’s just the way “I roll.”  Obviously, even with my scrutiny, I am very much more at ease.  However, I understand that once this has happened, there’s always the possibility of other melanomas “popping up.”  So, I’d guess that checkups will now come a little more often than every 6 months.  Hopefully, for now, we can let this issue rest.


Winter in Virginia continues.  Yesterday we experienced another 8 or 9 inches of very wet snow.  I am really totally over this winter and the snow it has brought.  I don’t ever remember the “federal Government offices being closed for 5 days in one winter.  I hope this winter prompts those of our friends and relatives who don’t currently own a snow blower to purchase one before they go into another winter because, young or old, shoveling snow can definitely be hazardous to your health and decrease the time you have available for being a Grandpa or Grandma..


We’re getting things wound up here to head to Georgia for the weekend to celebrate little Parker’s second birthday.  His Mom says nothing big just a cake and family.  We are anxious to see the little ones down there as we haven’t seen them other than over “face time” since the first of the year.  Always enjoy spending time with them, but also happy to get back home and return to our schedule.  We still have a few last minute “touch ups” to the renovations that we have to get the contractor back in to take care of.  We’ll try to get that scheduled for soon after we return from Georgia.  Also have a van with a significant rust issue that is begging attention.  We’ll also get that started when we return.


I certainly don’t want to sound like a “broken record” but would not feel right to not again thank each of you for your prayers and supportive comments as we have dealt with this “melanoma issue.”  I know that all of your prayers were heard and acted upon.  God bless each of you.






Content Contributors for the Week


Kate (Roberts) Stafford, Class of 1955



All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!






Some History as It Happened—Not a Re-creation


This is a great video!  1940’s aircraft carrier in the Pacific—rare color footage.  This is 16mm color (not ‘colorized’) footage of carrier action in the Pacific.  There were not many color shots in the ‘40’s as they were extremely expensive then with a complicated and exacting processing process.  Enjoy.




Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


Kid President to Newborn Baby


This is a very good message for all of us.




Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.




Cooperton Valley Picture Trail


The “Cooperton Valley” Picture Trail site has been renewed for all to enjoy.  Thanks to Karen (Johnson) Mason for funding this site for the coming year.  This site has many pictures from past Cooperton School reunions.  We hope that you will find these photos interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past (or if you have and wondered where it went).  Go to to visit the site.




Interesting Tidbits


Enjoy the Birds


Not sure how he trained them but they are very entertaining.






Roosevelt Senior Citizens


The Roosevelt Senior Citizens has reopened from the summer break.  Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Lunch for Seniors is $4 and for the younger generation is $5.


The menu for next week is as follows:


Tuesday, Mar. 25:  Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes/gravy, Green Beans, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Thursday, Mar. 27:  Nacho Supreme, Refried Beans, Mexican Corn, Salad Bar, Dessert




Weather Radios


Geary McDowell sent us the following link about KSWO sponsoring an event to get weather radios in the hands of southwest Oklahoma residents.  Geary and his HAM Radio operator friends spent time programming the radios for those who purchased them.  (Geary is in the video.)  We have one of these radios and think everyone should have one for their own safety.  We bought one for each of our children and they definitely use them to help keep their families safe.  cnm




Kiowa County Historical Museum Pig Drawing


The Kiowa County Historical Museum is now selling tickets for a pig drawing. Win one of two processed pigs to be given away. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. Tickets may be purchased at the County Museum at 518 S. Main Street in Hobart or from any member of the Board of Directors. Tickets may also be purchased at the Hobart Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Office.


The drawing will be held Saturday, April 19 during the Museum's annual Easter Bake Sale in front of the Museum.


You do not have to be present to win. Your support of the Museum is greatly appreciated!


The Kiowa County Historical Museum is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and on Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 




It’s A Spring Thing


The Southern Kiowa Chamber will hold its 2014 It’s A Spring Thing at the Roosevelt Senior Citizen Center in Roosevelt on April 14.  There will be events throughout the day.


Vendor Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Decorated Bike Parade at 11 a.m.


Dog Parade at noon


Easter Egg Hunt at 2:30 p.m. The Easter Bunny will be there for pictures.  Bring your camera.


Concessions are available from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.


There will be picture opps available with various cartoon characters, moon bounces, live entertainment, and bingo. 


Mark your calendar and plan to attend.




Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


March 21 – Brooke Mahoney

March 23 – Debra Wiser, Class of 1985
March 24 – Kyle Downen

March 24 – Gayla (Wilks) Hite, Class of 1967
March 26 – Phillip Lile, Class of 1973
March 27 – Anna (Barnes) Everhart, Class of 1989
March 27 – Warren Richardson


Happy Anniversary To:


March 27 – Ned & Betty Callen






The Skinny Lumberjack              


A large, well established, Canadian lumber camp advertised that they were looking for a good Lumberjack. The very next day, a skinny little man showed up at the camp with his axe, and knocked on the head lumberjacks' door. 

The head lumberjack took one look at the little man and told him to leave.  "Just give me a chance to show you what I can do," said the skinny man. 

"Okay, see that giant redwood over there?" said the lumberjack.  "Take your axe and go cut it down." 

The skinny man headed for the tree, and in five minutes he was back knocking on the lumberjack's door. 

"I cut the tree down," said the man.  The lumberjack couldn't believe his eyes and said, "Where did you get the skill to chop down trees like that?" 

"In the Sahara Forest," replied the slim man. 

"You mean the Sahara Desert," said the lumberjack. 

The little man laughed and answered back"Oh sure, that's what they call it now!"




Food for Thought


Meet Maine's New Governor 


Meet Maine's New Governor --- In case you haven't heard about this guy before, his name will stick in your mind! 

The new Maine Governor, Paul LePage is making New Jersey's Chris Christie look timid.  He isn't afraid to say what he thinks.  Judging by the comments, every time he opens his mouth, his popularity goes up. 

He brought down the house at his inauguration when he shook his fist toward the media box and said, "You're on notice!  I've inherited a financially troubled State to run.  Observe...cover what we do...but don't whine if I don't waste time responding to your every whim just for your amusement." 

During his campaign for Governor, he was talking to commercial fishermen who are struggling because of federal fisheries rules.  They complained that 0bama brought his family to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park for a long Labor Day holiday and found time to meet with union leaders, but wouldn't talk to the fishermen.  LePage replied, "I'd tell him to go to hell and get out of my State." The Lame Stream Media crucified LePage, but he jumped 6 points in the pre-election poll. 

The Martin Luther King incident was a political sandbag, which brought him national exposure.  The 'lame stream' media crucified him, but word on the street is very positive.  The NAACP specifically asked LePage to spend MLK Day visiting black inmates at the Maine State Prison.  He told them that he would meet with ALL inmates, regardless of race, if he were to visit the prison.  The NAACP balked and then put out a news release claiming falsely that he refused to participate in any MLK events.  He read it in the paper for the 1st time the next morning while being driven to an event and went ballistic because none of the reporters had called him for comment before running the NAACP release. 

He arrived at that event & said in front of a TV camera, "If they want to play the race card on me they can kiss my ass", and he reminded them that he has an adopted black son from Jamaica and that he attended the local MLK Breakfast every year that he was mayor of Waterville.  (He started his morning there on MLK Day.) 

He then stated that there's a right way and a wrong way to meet with the Governor, and he put all special interests on notice that press releases, media leaks, and all demonstrations would prove to be the wrong way.  He said any other group, which acted like the NAACP could expect to be at the bottom of the Governor's priority list! 

He then did the following, and judging from local radio talk show callers, his popularity increased even more:  The State employees union complained because he waited until 3 p.m. before closing State offices and facilities and sending non-emergency personnel home during the last blizzard.  The prior Governor would often close offices for the day with just a forecast before the first flakes.  (Each time the State closes for snow, it costs the taxpayers about $1 million in wages for no work in return.)

LePage was CEO of the Marden's chain of discount family bargain retail stores before election as governor.  He noted that State employees getting off work early could still find lots of retail stores open to shop.  So, he put the State employees on notice by announcing:  "If Marden's is open, Maine is open!" 

He told State employees:  "We live in Maine in the winter, for heaven's sake, and should know how to drive in it.  Otherwise, apply for a State job in Florida!" 

Governor LePage symbolizes what America needs; Refreshing politicians who aren't self-serving and who exhibit common sense. 


I really love this one. 

This is one of the better e-mails I have received in a long time! I hope this makes its way around the USA several times over!!!!!  HERE IS WHAT Governor LaPage said, 

"THE LAW IS THE LAW So "if" the U.S. government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it. 

And "if" that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it. 

I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen.

I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions. 

I would like to think that those people have the American public's best interests at heart. 


Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe Government (Federal, State and Local) and its employees should participate in Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of American life. 

I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter. After all, it's just another day. 

I'd like the" U.S. Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays."  After all, it's just another day. 

I'd like the Senate and the House of Representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break."  After all it's just another day. 

I'm thinking a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter.  It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct." 

In fact....I think our government should work on Sundays (AFTER ALL, It was initially set aside for worshipping God) because, AFTER ALL, our government says that it should be Just ANOTHER DAY...."

What do you all think????  If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the "minority opinions" and begin, once again, to represent the "majority" of ALL of the American people. 

SO BE IT....Please Dear Lord, Give us the help needed to keep you in our country!  'Amen' and 'Amen'! 

If this gets around the country a few times, I believe we all will see a better day!






Jean Faulk, 82, Roosevelt


Cordell Barnes, 91, Hobart


(Editor’s Note:  For those of you younger ones who did not know Cordell Barnes, I would suspect that over his 54 year career that  he may have assisted with the burial of more local residents in Kiowa County than any other individual in history.  We had the pleasure of visiting with him at the Cold Springs Reunion 2 years ago.  It was the first time I had seen him in 40 or 50 years.  I have to say that I was stunned when he walked in the door and someone asked, “Is that Cordell Barnes?”  I had to do a “double take” as I assumed he’d been gone for years.  Cordell certainly deserves a prominent place in the local history of Kiowa County.  -- mlm)


Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Peoples Cooperative Funeral Home of Lone Wolf, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Centerville Cemetery (west of Mt. Park) on Find A Grave


Cooperton Green Valley Cemetery on Find A Grave


Cooperton Spring Hill Cemetery on Find A Grave


Gotebo Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Saddle Mountain KCA Intertribal Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



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