Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                      Michael L. May

Vol. 2, Is. 39                                                                                      Apr. 12, 2013



From the Editor


The following section of the editorial was written on 04/02/13 in an attempt to get together an edition that we could publish when we returned home--so it’s actually a little behind.


You ask about the “Road Trip”--yes it’s still in progress.  Nana is getting an opportunity to do a little “sleeping in” as it’s not necessary to get an early start while we’re here in Oklahoma.  I did just wake her up to ask if she wanted to speak to her daughter.  They’re “catching up” as I write.


Hard to believe that up to this point we have seen over 20 of our cousins from both sides of the family (not including their spouses in the count).  Also, we have seen friends from college that we haven’t seen for 20 to 40 years.  Also saw the “Best Man” from our wedding that I haven’t seen for over 20 years and a fellow graduate student that I’ve not seen in at least 25 years.  It is just so nice to catch up with so many after so many years.


Some of the friends were seen at Carolyn’s High School Reunion.  To say that Carolyn had a great time would be an understatement.  She complained on Easter morning that she had a sore throat.  I told her that was no surprise to me based on how much she had talked the previous 2 days.  I also enjoy her Snyder reunions as I do know many of the people that she went to school with so it isn’t a boring event for me although I do tire out quickly standing on my feet--then tire sitting on my bottom side.


On Easter Sunday we drove over to Snyder to go to Church with Kenneth and his family and then travelled on up to Hobart for Easter “Dinner” at “Jerry’s Place” at the “Hanna House” Bed & Breakfast.  It’s something that if you haven’t tried, you locals MUST try--excellent home cooking at a reasonable price.  Jerry and Enid do a fantastic job and definitely make you feel welcome and glad that you came.  I also suggest that if you haven’t tried any of “Jerry‘s Famous Peanut Brittle” you should pick up a bag.  I guarantee that if you pick up one, you’ll come back for another.  I picked up a mere 7 gallons to distribute among friends as we complete our trip.  I’m afraid that I may have to tie some of it on top of the car to get it back to Virginia.  Remember he’s open from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm each Sunday.


All has gone well so far with the exception of the battery in Carolyn’s key fob for the car that “pooped out” and almost left her in the middle of Cache Road in Lawton.  After a quick trip to Toyota, both of our fob’s are now sporting new batteries and the car is starting as expected.


Lunch is in Altus today with Candace, Joey, “New Arrival, Dakota,” and Grandma and Granddad Karen and Mickey.  We had hoped to see Dakota on Saturday, but couldn’t see her so rescheduled for today.  We’re so excited to meet this newest member of our family.


The “Road Show” moves on to Kansas on Thursday with a stop in Alva, OK, to see more cousins prior to crossing the state line.  I dread cleaning out the back of our car getting ready to repack before we continue.  At this time the backend totally looks like “the inside of a goat’s stomach”--that can be defined to say that it’s REALLY messy!


Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to Altus we go…


As of 04/09/13 the “Road Trip” ended as we returned to Virginia 2 days early.  Our trip back to Barnsdall, Oklahoma, got cancelled as our host’s wife had an active infection of Pink Eye--something that neither of us thought we needed.  Actually with all the freezing and stormy weather in the mid-west over the last couple of days, we’re glad we were firmly planted back in Virginia.  Our “cousin count” ended up somewhere around 30.  The stay with Dr. Tom Carr and his wife Jo in Medicine Lodge, KS, was a blast and with them joining us to travel on to Manhattan to spend last weekend with Dr. Michael Dikeman (whom I got my PhD under) and his wife Earline was so much fun.  Michael and Earline had invited Michael Albrecht who also worked under him at the same time I did and his wife Joni to come down from Thurston, NE, to spend the weekend with all of us.  Michael and I were Dr. Dikeman’s first two graduate students.  I hadn’t seen Michael Albrecht since I left KSU in 1975.  Oh how neat to relive “old times.”


I certainly hope that this “road trip” was not my “farewell tour”, but if it should be, what a ride it was…






Content Contributors for the Week


Charles Curtis, Class of 1965

Geary McDowell

Wayne Rickerd, Class of 1945

Kate (Roberts) Stafford, Class of 1955

Jack Whitson, Class of 1953


All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!






My mother Dorothy Lanterman worked at Penneys.  I have no idea how long but in my Junior Year 1952 & Senior Year 1953 I worked part time at Burrs Department store & my mom was working at Penneys. 


Evelyn (Lanterman) Walters, Roosevelt Class of 1953




Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


The 45 Lessons of Life


This is something each of us should read ever so often.  I am sure many of us wish we had seen this earlier in life and tried to live by it.




Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.




Cooperton Valley Picture Trail


The “Cooperton Valley” Picture Trail site has been renewed for all to enjoy.  Thanks to Karen (Johnson) Mason for funding this site for the coming year.  This site has many pictures from past Cooperton School reunions.  We hope that you will find these photos interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past (or if you have and wondered where it went).  Go to to visit the site.




Interesting Tidbits


Has Elvis Reentered the Building?


First European to Win The Ultimate Elvis Impersonator...


Ben Portsmouth and his band, Taking Care of Elvis, present an amazing tribute to the King of Rock and Roll, with his looks, style and fantastic voice which will set hearts racing and feet taping.


In the blink of your eyes you'll be taken back to what it was like to see, hear and experience the young and sexy Elvis when he first burst on to the U.S. music scene in 1954 right through to 1977.


Ben Portsmouth's stunning outfits, all U.S. custom made, span the black leathers of Presley's comeback in 1968 to the white jumpsuits of the later Las Vegas shows, all costumes are exact copies of the originals.


Not only is Ben Portsmouth a natural showman but he is also an extremely talented professional singer/songwriter, a dedicated musician who sincerely goes that bit extra in all his performances, in doing so he leaves his audience craving more!


In 2006 Ben Portsmouth was awarded the title of Best Festival Elvis at the annual Porthcawl Elvis convention in Wales which is the biggest of its kind in Europe.  He took the audience of assembled Elvis devotees by storm with his remarkable voice and stage presence.  In 2007 he was awarded the Gold Lame (Jacket) Award for his 50's set and in 2008 he was voted best '68 Comeback Special.  And now he has won the "The World's Ultimate Elvis Presley Impersonator."




Doo Wop Test



1.   When did ''Little Suzie'' finally wake up?

    (a)   The movie's over, it's 2 o'clock

    (b)   The movie's over, it's 3 o'clock

    (c)   The movie's over, it's 4 o'clock


2.   ''Rock Around The Clock'' was used in what movie?

    (a)   Rebel Without A Cause

    (b)   Blackboard Jungle

    (c)   The Wild Ones


3.   What's missing from a Rock & Roll standpoint? Earth [............... ]

    (a)   Angel

    (b)   Mother

    (c)   Worm


4.   ''I found my thrill .............''  where?

    (a)   Kansas City

    (b)   Heartbreak Hotel

    (c)   Blueberry Hill


5.   ''Please turn on your magic beam, [ ............  .............. ] bring me a dream,'':

    (a)   Mr. Sandman

    (b)   Earth Angel

    (c)   Dream Lover


6. For which label did Elvis Presley first record?

    (a)    Atlantic

    (b)    RCA

    (c)    Sun


7.   He asked, ''Why's everybody always pickin' on me?'' Who was he?

    (a)    Bad, Bad Leroy Brown

    (b)    Charlie Brown

    (c)    Buster Brown


8.   In Bobby Darin's ''Mack The Knife,'' the one with the knife, was named:

    (a)     MacHeath

    (b)     MacCloud

    (c)     MacNamara


9.   Name the song with ''A-wop bop a-loo bop a-lop bam boom.''

    (a)    Good Golly, Miss Molly

    (b)    Be-Bop-A-Lula

    (c)    Tutti Fruitti


10.  Who is generally given credit for originating the term ''Rock And Roll''?

    (a)    Dick Clark

    (b)    Wolfman Jack

    (c)    Alan Freed


11.  In 1957, he left the music business to become a preacher:

    (a)    Little Richard

    (b)    Frankie Lymon

    (c)    Tony Orlando


12.   Paul Anka's ''Puppy Love'' is written to what star?

    (a)    Susan Gibbs

    (b)    Connie Francis

    (c)    Annette Funicello


13.   The Everly Brothers were .............  ............... 

    (a)    Pete and Dick

    (b)    Don and Phil

    (c)    Bob and Bill


14.   The Big Bopper's real name was:

    (a)    Jiles P. Richardson

    (b)    Roy Iddings Jr.

    (c)    Marion Michael Morrison


15.   In 1959, Berry Gordy Jr. started a small record companycalled.............

    (a)    Decca

    (b)    Cameo

    (c)    Motown


16.   Edd Brynes had a hit with ''Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb''. What TV show was he on?

    (a)   77 Sunset Strip

    (b)    Hawaiian Eye

    (c)    Surfside Six


17.   In 1960 Bobby Darin married:

    (a)    Carol Lynley

    (b)    Sandra Dee

    (c)    Natalie Wood


18.   They were a one hit wonder with ''Book Of Love'':

    (a)    The Penguins

    (b)    The Monotones

    (c)    The Moonglows


19.   The Everly Brothers sang a song called ''Till I ..................You.''

    (a)    Loved

    (b)    Kissed

    (c)    Met


20.   Chuck Berry sang ''Oh, ................., why can't you be true?''

    (a)    Suzie Q

    (b)    Peggy Sue

    (c)    Maybelline


21.   ''Wooly .................''

    (a)    Mammouth

    (b)    Bully

    (c)    Pully


22.   ''I'm like a one-eyed cat . . . ."

    (a)    can't go into town no more

    (b)    sleepin' on a cold hard floor

    (c)    peepin' in a seafood store


23.   ''Sometimes I wonder what I'm gonna do . . . .   .......''

    (a)    cause there ain't no answer for a life without booze

    (b)    cause there ain't no cure for the summertime blues

    (c)    cause my car's gassed up and I'm ready to cruise


24.    'They often call me Speedo, but my real name is ...................''

    (a)    Mr. Earl

    (b)    Jackie Pearl

    (c)    Milton Berle


25.   ''You're my Fanny and nobody else's .............''

    (a)    girl

    (b)    butt

    (c)    baby


26.   ''I want you to play with my . . . ''

    (a)    heart

    (b)    dreams

    (c)    ding a ling


27.   ''Be Bop A Lula .......''

    (a)    she's my lady.

    (b)    she's my baby. 

    (c)    she loves me, maybe


28.   ''Fine Love, Fine Kissing ..........''

    (a)    right here

    (b)    at the kissin' booth

    (c)    just for you


29.   ''He wore black denim trousers and ....................''

    (a)   a pink carnation

    (b)   black leather jacket

    (c)   motorcycle boots


30.   ''I got a gal named . ... .''

    (a)   Sally Zamboni

    (b)   Gerri  Mahoney

    (c)   Boney Maroney



Scroll Down.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


1. (c)   The movie's over, it's 4 o'clock

2. (b)   Blackboard Jungle

3. (a)   Angel

4. (c)   Blueberry Hill

5. (a)   Mr. Sandman

6. (c)   Sun

7. (b)   Charlie Brown

8. (a)   Mac Heath

9. (c)   Tutti Fruitti

10. (c)  Alan Freed

11. (a)  Little Richard

12. (c)  Annette Funicello

13. (b)  Don and Phil

14. (a)  Jiles P. Richardson

15. (c)   Motown

16. (a)  77 Sunset Strip

17. (b)  Sandra Dee

18. (b)  The Monotones

19. (b)   Kissed

20. (c)   Maybelline

21. (b)   Bully

22. (c)   peepin' in a sea food store

23. (b)   cause there ain't no cure for the summertime blues

24. (a)   Mr. Earl

25. (b)   butt

26. (c)   ding a ling

27. (b)   she's my baby

28. (a)   right here

29. (c)   motorcycle boots

30. (c)   Boney Maroney






Roosevelt Senior Citizens


The Roosevelt Senior Citizen Center serves lunch on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  The cost is $4 for those 60 and over and $5 for the younger generation.  Stop in and enjoy a good meal while visiting with your friends.


The menu for next week is as follows:


Tuesday, April 16:  Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Corn, Rolls, Salad Bar, and Dessert


Thursday, April 18:  Hamburger Stew, Corn Bread, Salad Bar, and Dessert




Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


April 15 – Alan Gibbons, Class of 1980

April 16 – Phyllis (Stafford) Stockton, Class of 1953

April 16 – Bill Lyde, Class of 1962

April 16 – Jane (Lyde) Ankney, Class of 1962






Jack Daniels Fishing Story
I went fishing this morning but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait.  Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket.

Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit. So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth.  His eyes rolled back, he went limp. I released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog.
A little later, I felt a nudge on my foot. It was that snake with two more frogs.






A guy is in his 70's and loves to fish.  He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, “Pick me up.”

He looked around and couldn't see anyone.  He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, “Pick me up.”

He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog.

The man said, “Are you talking to me?”

The frog said, “Yes, I'm talking to you.  Pick me up, then kiss me; and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.  I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous, because I will be your bride!”

The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully and placed it in his shirt pocket.

The frog said, “What, are you nuts?  Didn't you hear what I said?  I said Kiss me, and I will be your beautiful bride."

He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, “Nah. At my age, I'd rather have a talking frog.”

With age comes wisdom.


Food for Thought


New way of STEALING...


Be sure to read Scene 3.  Quite interesting.    

This is a new one. People sure stay busy trying to cheat us, don't they?  


A friend went to the local gym and placed his belongings in the locker.  After the
workout and a shower, he came out, saw the locker open, and thought to himself,
'Funny, I thought I locked the locker...

Hmm, 'He dressed and just flipped the wallet to make sure all was in order.
Everything looked okay - all cards were in place...

A few weeks later his credit card bill came - a whooping bill of $14,000!

He called the credit card company and started yelling at them, saying that he did
not make the transactions.

Customer care personnel verified that there was no mistake in the system and
asked if his card had been stolen...

'No,' he said, but then took out his wallet, pulled out the credit card, and yep -
you guessed it - a switch had been made.  An expired similar credit card from the same bank was in the wallet.  The thief broke into his locker at the gym and switched cards.

Verdict: The credit card issuer said since he did not report the card missing earlier, he would have to pay the amount owed to them.

How much did he have to pay for items he did not buy?

$9,000!  Why were there no calls made to verify the amount swiped?  Small amounts rarely trigger a 'warning bell' with some credit card companies.  It just so happens that all the small amounts added up to big one! 



A man at a local restaurant paid for his meal with his credit card.  The bill for the meal came, he signed it and the waitress folded the receipt and passed the credit card along.  Usually, he would just take it and place it in his wallet or pocket. Funny enough, though, he actually took a look at the card and, lo and behold, it was the expired card of another person.

He called the waitress and she looked perplexed.

She took it back, apologized, and hurried back to the counter under the watchful eye of the man.  All the waitress did while walking to the counter was wave the wrong expired card to the counter cashier, and the counter cashier immediately looked down and took out the real card.

No exchange of words --- nothing!  She took it and came back to the man with an apology.  (This scenario actually happened to me at a local restaurant- Falls Terrace-between the waitress and the front desk cashier.)

Verdict:   Make sure the credit cards in your wallet are yours.

Check the name on the card every time you sign for something and/or the card is taken away for even a short period of time.  Many people just take back the credit card without even looking at it, 'assuming' that it has to be theirs.




Yesterday I went into a pizza restaurant to pick up an order that I had called in. 
I paid by using my Visa Check Card which, of course, is linked directly to my checking Account.  The young man behind the counter took my card, swiped it, and then laid it on the counter as he waited for the approval, which is pretty standard procedure.  While he waited, he picked up his cell phone and started dialing.  I noticed the phone because it is the same model I have, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then I heard a click that sounded like my phone sounds when I take a picture.  He then gave me back my card but kept the phone in his hand as if he was still pressing buttons.  Meanwhile, I'm thinking: I wonder what he is taking a picture of, oblivious to what was really going on.  It then dawned on me: the only thing there was my credit card, so now I'm paying close
attention to what he is doing..

He set his phone on the counter, leaving it open.  About five seconds later, I heard the chime that tells you that the picture has been saved.

Now I'm standing there struggling with the fact that this boy just took a picture of my credit card.

Yes, he played it off well, because had we not had the same kind of phone, I probably would never have known what happened.  Needless to say, I immediately canceled that card as I was walking out of the pizza parlor.

All I am saying is, be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Whenever you are using your credit card take caution and don't be careless.

Notice who is standing near you and what they are doing when you use your card.

Be aware of phones, because many have a camera phone these days.

Never let your card out of your sight.....check and check again!

Scary isn't it.....






Dovie Marie Montgomery, 79, Roosevelt resident


Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Peoples Cooperative Funeral Home of Lone Wolf, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Centerville Cemetery (west of Mt. Park) on Find A Grave


Cooperton Green Valley Cemetery on Find A Grave


Cooperton Spring Hill Cemetery on Find A Grave


Gotebo Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Saddle Mountain KCA Intertribal Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



News Center -- Always Available Online


Remember--past, current, and all future editions of “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition” can be viewed online from any computer at:  We highly recommend that you bookmark this link.


We have removed the ability to send us information from this page since the site was commandeered by someone using the site to send spam.  You can send us news you may have through my email address:




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