Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                      Michael L. May

Vol. 2, Is. 12                                                                                      Oct. 5, 2012



From the Editor


It’s Thursday morning after the debates and we Republicans finally have something to be excited about.  It was indeed a banner night when ALL of the liberal news sources concluded that it was a clear “win” for Romney.  This concludes my shortest editorial ever. 




PS  In all honesty, I have responded in the Email “Bag” to a comment I received last week and we’ll let my response there serve as my editorial.




Content Contributors for the Week


Austilene (Turner) Borum, Class of 1962

Stanna (Brewer) Lee, Class of 1963

Wayne Rickerd, Class of 1945

Jack Whitson, Class of 1953

Jim Whitson, Class of 1957

All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!




Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


Meet Me in the Stairwell


This is a beautiful tribute to those lost on September 11, 2001.






If you will take the time to read these, I promise you’ll come away with an enlightened perspective.  The subjects covered affect us all on a daily basis.  They were written by Andy Rooney, a man who had the gift of so much with so few words.  Enjoy!


I’ve learned…That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.


I’ve learned…That when you’re in love, it shows.


I’ve learned…That just one person saying to me, “you’ve made my day!” makes my day.


I’ve learned…That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.


I’ve learned… That being kind is more important than being right.


I’ve learned…That you should never say no to a gift from a child.


I’ve learned…That I can always pray for someone when I don’t have the strength to help him in some other way.


I’ve learned…That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.


I’ve learned…That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.


I’ve learned…That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.


I’ve learned…That life is like a roll of toilet paper.  The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.


I’ve learned…That we should be glad God doesn’t give us everything we ask for.


I’ve learned…That money doesn’t buy class.


I’ve learned…That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.


I’ve learned…That under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.


I’ve learned…That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.


I’ve learned…That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.


I’ve learned…That love, not time, heals all wounds.


I’ve learned…That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.


I’ve learned…That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.


I’ve learned…That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.


I’ve learned…That life is tough, but I’m tougher.


I’ve learned…That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.


I’ve learned…That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.


I’ve learned…That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away.


I’ve learned…That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.


I’ve learned…That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.


I’ve learned…That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you’re hooked for life.


I’ve learned…That everyone wants to live on top of mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.


I’ve learned…That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.




Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.




Cooperton Valley Picture Trail


The “Cooperton Valley” Picture Trail site has been renewed for all to enjoy.  Thanks to Karen (Johnson) Mason for funding this site for the coming year.  This site has many pictures from past Cooperton School reunions.  We hope that you will find these photos interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past (or if you have and wondered where it went).  Go to to visit the site.




Interesting Tidbits


Goose and a Scooter


This is an interesting and fun story.  Enjoy!


Turn on the sound, run in full screen (left click the little box at the lower right of the You Tube screen)








The Kiowa County Genealogical Society will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, October 9 in the Jake Slaner Room at the Jane Phelan Library, Hobart.  The program will be presented by local society member Karen Hoover.  She will be discussing the process she went through to apply for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution.  Refreshments will be served.  Everyone is welcome.



A Southern Kiowa Christmas


The Southern Kiowa Chamber will be hosting A Southern Kiowa Christmas in Snyder on December 15, 2012.  The Chamber is in the planning stage for the event.  So far they expect to have Breakfast with Santa, a Parade, a Drawing for Giveaways, and Vendor booths with crafts, etc. for sale.  As the plans are finalized, we will more detailed information and times for the various events.


At this time the Chamber is looking for vendors for this event.  If you would like to have a booth at the Southern Kiowa Christmas, please email for more information.




Roosevelt Senior Citizens


The Roosevelt Senior Citizen Center serves lunch on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  The cost is $4 for those 60 and over and $5 for the younger generation.  Stop in and enjoy a good meal while visiting with your friends.


The menu for next week is as follows:


Tuesday:  Chicken Spaghetti, Mixed Veggies, Garlic Toast, Relish Bar and Homemade Cinnamon Rolls.


Thursday:  Deli Sandwiches on Homemade Rolls, Spicy Fries, Relish Bar, and Banana Pudding.


Now, how many places do you find homemade cinnamon rolls and deli rolls?  Sounds like something everyone would want to enjoy!




Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


October 6 – Elizabeth (Boydston) Miller, Class of 1969

October 6 – Bonnie (Smith) Pickett

October 7 – Linda (Block) Files, Class of 1967
October 7 – Donnie Cain – Cold Springs
October 7 – Pam Morris

October 9 – Lisa (Wiser) Lanini, Class of 1990
October 10 – Beverly Lile, Class of 1975
October 10 – Alexa Ellis
October 10 – Katie Thurmond
October 10 – Joyce Clark Henson, Class of 1945

October 10 – Peggy Watson Wallis
October 11 – John David Taylor
October 11 – Frances (Roberts) Herod, Class of 1945

Happy Anniversary To:


October 8 – Brian and Leah (Bynum) Bobrovicz, Class of 1967






Where Did the White Man Go Wrong?


Where did the white man go wrong?  Indian Chief ‘Two Eagles’ was asked by a white government official, “You have observed the white man for 90 years.  You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances.  You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.”  The Chief nodded in agreement.  The official continued, “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?”


The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied.  “When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water.  Women did all the work, Medicine man free, Indian man spends all day hunting and fishing; all night have sex.”


Then the Chief leaned back and smiled.  “Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.”




A Cowboy Named Fred


A drunken cowboy lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh Amarillo Theater.  When the usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the cowboy, “Sorry, sir, but you’re allowed only one seat.”


The cowboy groaned but didn’t budge.


The usher became more impatient.  “Sir, if you don’t get up from there I’m going to have to call the manager.”


Once again, the cowboy just groaned.  The usher marched briskly back up the aisle, and in a moment he returned with the manager.


Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move the cowboy, but with no success.


Finally they summoned the police.  The Texas Ranger surveyed the situation briefly, then asked, “All right buddy, what’s your name?”


“Fred,” the cowboy moaned.


“Where ya from, Fred?” asked the Ranger.


With terrible pain in his voice, and without moving a muscle, Fred replied,


“The Balcony…”




From the Email “Bag”


September 27, 2012


When do the candidates start concentrating on the American People and their plight?  Everyone talks about Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.  Our people continue to die defending these people which is a noble thing.


What about us?  People dying because they don't have health insurance.  People being put out of their homes because their job has been sent out of country.  When does America care about America?  They are going to put people to work.  If so, why does there have to be an election for that to happen?  When do they start to care about the person who kills their entire family because they have lost their job and can't take care of them?


I saw this woman on HLN news.  She had been trying for 4 years to get a job with one of the major league ball clubs and couldn't.  She really wanted that job.  The problem she kept running into was that she was over-qualified.  Every where she went it was the same problem.  But she hadn't given up.  She was still looking.


I don't believe the majority of Americans don't want a job. That they would rather draw welfare or some other (whatever)!!  Believe me I know women who do and you couldn't feed a cat off of that.  Maybe that is why some seniors live off of cat food.  Child care is killing some mothers and I know some who work 2 jobs to make ends meet.


I was fortunate.  Things were better when I worked and I was able as a single mother to take care of my kids and pay my bills without their father’s help.  He wanted me to fail.  He forgot I was from the cotton fields of Oklahoma and that would never happen.


Where do these candidates plan to get jobs?


Give them to American workers instead of sending them out of the country.  I know people who have lost jobs for that very reason.  And I am not going to get started on the people I talk to when I call a customer service rep at any business I call.


I can't relate to people who have more money than they will ever spend in a lifetime.  And these candidates can't relate to poor people.  They would have to walk in their shoes if just for a day.


When do they make the American people a priority?  Talk is cheap.  When do they bring the solders home to protect our country?  At this point, are we really able to defend ourselves against any kind of attack?  I wonder!!!!


Linda (Elix) Newson

Class of 1968




September 27, 2012


Thanks for the newsletters.  They are very interesting and entertaining.  I really enjoyed the article on The Marines helping the children at The Pentagon.


My wife Gwen and I thought the world of Wanda Jackson.  We were Ombudsman (volunteers) at the Ayers Nursing Home in Snyder for about three years going two hours per week and spending that time with those residents at the home.  Each time when we went through Roosevelt we would stop at the convenience store and visit a few moments with Wanda, who was usually there.  Miss her.


Lou Sims




September 28, 2012


Thank You both for the News!


Joye Johnson




September 29, 2012


You know, everyone does not share yours and Carolyn's view on Romney and the Republican party.  I, for one, would like to read the Roosevelt news without having to read about Romney OR what Obama has done that has ruined the United States.  Please keep the Roosevelt news to news about our classmates and the citizens around southwest Oklahoma and let’s keep politics where it belongs: in the voting booth!


Brenda (Bagley) Phillips, Class of 1967


(Editors note:  We know that everyone does not agree with what we say.  And we feel it crucial to print what others say—whether we agree with what they write or not.  However, we are not unique in expressing our opinions and concerns in this publication--that’s what happens in “editorials” in all newspapers.  Oh, I know this is not a “real” newspaper and I am not a “real” editor, but for the time we put into bringing this publication to each of you every week, I think we can take some liberty in addressing issues that we feel are important--and believe me this election IS NOT ONLY IMPORTANT, BUT CRUCIAL to the future direction of our country.          


I certainly believe that there are others who agree with what Brenda wrote and if you do, I would respectfully encourage all who fall into this category to re-read my editorial from last week and re-evaluate what I really said rather than what is implied that I said.  If you’ll look closely, you’ll suddenly realize that I was much more critical of Romney than supportive and bemoaned the fact that he was as I said, “the best that the Republican Party could muster.”  Additionally, I did not suggest that each reader vote for the candidate of my choice, but that they research each candidate on their own rather than listening to what the media feeds us--and then “vote their choice.”  I still stand behind that.  I also agree with Brenda that I’d like to print more Roosevelt news, but we can’t make it up.  Fortunately, we have several readers who do send us interesting material that we use on a regular basis--and they are recognized in each issue when their offering is included.  You may notice a lot of redundancy in that list--because there is.  I encourage Brenda and all who agree with her on wanting more “Roosevelt news” to join in and send us stories about Roosevelt and we will be glad to print them for everyone’s enjoyment.  Again, I think I would be remiss to not bring to all readers’ attention the fact that this election is probably the most important event that we as Americans have on our upcoming agenda and if something I write causes you or others to focus on this I will have accomplished my purpose.  We make no attempt to present political comments or material that will receive “over the top” support--just a verifiable sampling of what we receive and our personal, educated reaction to what these “positions” actually represent.  If that were our objective, the material would be totally skewed toward anti-Obama material as that makes up the majority of the “political fodder” that is sent to us. In fact other than ones expressing concerns (such as mine) that they wish the Republicans could have fielded a better candidate than Romney, all comments sent to us have dealt with President Obama.  Regardless of your persuasion, I do fervently believe that when Oklahoman’s awake on the morning of November 7th they will find that their state went “Red” overnight ” and not necessarily because those voting really supported Romney, but because they just couldn’t force themselves to vote otherwise.  I can only hope that the same will be true of Virginia.


I will close by saying that we--especially Carolyn-- put hours and hours each week into bringing this publication to over 375 of you and fortunately so far the compliments have far outweighed the complaints.  On a weekly basis the only “pay” we receive is the written compliments and the feeling that the majority of you do enjoy and appreciate what we do.  Peace. -- mlm)




Political Fodder


Where Do You Fit In


THIS IS INTERESTING & FUN TO DO!    And nobody will know except you...




Mainstream News Media


The following article on the mainstream news media is very good and certainly gives one something to think about.  It is a little long but definitely worth your time to read.




Not “Your Father’s Obama”


If you are an Obama supporter, does the “Obama” depicted in the following videos represent the one you plan to vote for or is it yet a different “Obama?” Following is a short version (selecting the most potentially controversial segments) of Candidate Obama’s speech to a group of mostly African American pastors at a conference at Hampton University in Hampton, VA, in 2007,  with the second being his complete speech.  This video was released on the eve of the Presidential Debates by a right wing website – “The Daily Caller.”  Quite surprisingly, although coming from a right wing news source, the video was discussed on traditional, liberal news channels Wednesday morning.  CNN suggested it was not “new news” but covered at the time by them.  We put this out for your viewing, not because we necessarily agree or disagree with the news media’s “take” on this, but because we think it shows a President Obama that we have not seen before and felt it was “fair game.”  Note the dialect used, the tone, and the mannerisms employed here.  He appears to be playing to his audience in a dialect far from the “Presidential” tone and dialect we are accustomed to.  The first link to the speech is a little over 4 minutes in length while the second link—the complete speech is approximately 36 minutes long.  Take your pick or in all fairness listen to both.  Then decide which is the “real Obama”--the one depicted here or the one we are most familiar with.  After deciding, convince yourself which one will occupy the oval office for the next 4 years if he is re-elected.


(Short version)


(Complete Speech)






Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Peoples Cooperative Funeral Home of Lone Wolf, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



News Center -- Always Available Online


Remember--past, current, and all future editions of “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition” can be viewed online from any computer at:  We highly recommend that you bookmark this link.


In addition to viewing all copies of the paper, you can use this website to send comments or news items to us for publication.  Simply enter your name, your class year (if a Roosevelt graduate), your email address, and the comments you want to make or the news item you want to send and click on “Submit Information” button at the bottom left of the page.  The information that you submitted will show on your screen under a title of “Form Confirmation”—confirming that what you entered was sent to our email. 




Email Addresses


This newsletter is an email edition.  The only way for you to receive it and keep up-to-date with your friends from Roosevelt is for you to keep us informed of changes to your email address.  So please be sure to notify us at should your email address change.  We also encourage you to send us email addresses for friends and family who might also like to receive the newsletter so that we can include them on our list.






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