Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                      Michael L. May

Vol. 1, Is. 38                                                                          April 6, 2012


From the Editor


What is wrong with our politicians--on both sides of the aisle?  The Republicans--Romney likes the size of the trees in Michigan, “cheesy grits” down south, and in the middle of an election is building a garage with a 4 car elevator.  The Democrats--President Obama says if he had a son he’d look like Trevon Martin and chastises the Supreme Court for even considering that “Obamacare” is unconstitutional.


As a genuine, certified, card carrying Republican, the direction of the party and the comments of the candidates turn my stomach.  What are they thinking?  Do they have anybody around them giving them advice on what to say--more importantly on what not to say?  A candidate for any office is no better than the people they have around them “assisting” them with which direction they need to turn next.  Can you say “President Reagan?”  Romney either doesn’t listen to the people around him or if he is--It’s time to bring in some new people off the bench.  It’s just unbelievable that he continues to stumble as badly as he does.  Without a change in direction, he can chalk this up as another unsuccessful campaign.  It’s late, but hopefully not too late.  I hope there’s a potential Vice Presidential running mate that can “prop him up” should he stumble into the nomination.  In my opinion, we’re definitely on a collision course with “four more years” of Obama.  Geez I’d hate it if that happened.


Interesting that the President, even with his trusty teleprompter, has a few “oh no” moments.  Some things I’ve read indicate that some of the black radical groups such as the “New Black Panther Party” forced him to “jump into” the Trevon Martin fray.  I think that was a huge mistake.  No, I doubt that if the President had a son he’d look like Trevon, and I seriously doubt that his wife approved that comment.  A loose comment tying yourself to someone you really know nothing about is very unwise.  This leaves room to be criticized by detractors for playing a “card” which aligns you with one side of the fray when law enforcement--even with Federal assistance is still unable to sort out what actually happened.  I call this very careless use of a sound byte.  I must say it’s time to put the Trevon Martin issue behind us.  Law enforcement must get to the bottom of this case, find out who is actually at fault, and try to ease the unrest that is being created in this country. 


Now for the Supreme Court--please leave them alone!  There is no room for the President or anyone else to, through comments made at a press conference or otherwise try to “shame them” into a decision that is favorable with his biased wishes.  They (the court) have purpose and responsibility to act as an unbiased body in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.  Please let them do their job Mr. President!






Content Contributors for the Week


Jerry Alford, Class of 1959

Francis (Roberts) Herod, Class of 1945

Jack Whitson, Class of 1953

All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!



Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


As I came out of the supermarket that sunny day, pushing my cart of groceries towards my car, I saw an old man with the hood of his car up and a lady sitting inside the car, with the door open.

The old man was looking at the engine.  I put my groceries away in my car, and continued to watch the old gentleman from about twenty five feet away.

I saw a young man in his early twenties with a grocery bag in his arm walking towards the old man.  The old gentleman saw him coming too, and took a few steps towards him.

I saw the old gentleman point to his open hood and say something.  The young man put his grocery bag into what looked like a brand new Cadillac Escalade.  He then turned back to the old man.  I heard him yell at the old gentleman saying: “You shouldn't even be allowed to drive a car at your age.”

And then with a wave of his hand, he got in his car and peeled rubber out of the parking lot.

I saw the old gentleman pull out his handkerchief and mop his brow as he went back to his car and again looked at the engine.

He then went to his wife and spoke with her; he appeared to tell her it would be okay.  I had seen enough, and I approached the old man.  He saw me coming and stood straight, and as I got near him, I said, “Looks like you're having a problem.”

He smiled sheepishly, and quietly nodded his head.  I looked under the hood myself, and knew that whatever the problem was, it was beyond me.  Looking around, I saw a gas station up the road, and I told the old man that I would be right back.  I drove to the station and went I inside.  I saw three attendants working on cars.  I approached one of them, and related the problem the old man had with his car.  I offered to pay them if they could follow me back down and help him.

The old man had pushed the heavy car under the shade of a tree and appeared to be comforting his wife.  When he saw us, he straightened up and thanked me for my help.  As the mechanics diagnosed the problem (overheated engine), I spoke with the old gentleman.

When I shook hands with him earlier, he had noticed my Marine Corps ring and had commented about it, telling me that he had been a Marine too.  I nodded and asked the usual question, “What outfit did you serve with?”

He had mentioned that he served with the first Marine Division at Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal.  He had hit all the big ones and retired from the Corps after the war was over.  As we talked we heard the car engine come on and saw the mechanics lower the hood.  They came over to us as the old man reached for his wallet, but was stopped by me.  I told him I would just put the bill on my AAA card.

He still reached for the wallet and handed me a card that I assumed had his name and address on it and I stuck it in my pocket.  We all shook hands all around again, and I said my ”Goodbye's” to him and his wife.

I then told the two mechanics that I would follow them back up to the station. Once at the station, I told them that they had interrupted their own jobs to come along with me and help the old man.  I said I wanted to pay for the help, but they refused to charge me.

One of them pulled out a card from his pocket, looking exactly like the card the old man had given to me.  Both of the men told me then that they were Marine Corps Reserves.  Once again we shook hands all around and as I was leaving, one of them told me I should look at the card the old man had given to me.  I said I would and drove off.

For some reason I had gone about two blocks, when I pulled over and took the card out of my pocket and looked at it for a long, long time.  The name of the old gentleman was on the card in golden leaf and under his name was written: “Congressional Medal of Honor Society.”
I sat there motionless, looking at the card and reading it over and over. I looked up from the card and smiled to no one but myself and marveled that on this day, four Marines had all come together because one of us needed help.  He was an old man all right, but it felt good to have stood next to greatness and courage, and an honor to have been in his presence.

Remember, OLD men like him gave you FREEDOM for America.  Thanks to those who served and still serve and to all of those who supported them, and who continue to support them.

America is not at war.  The U.S. Military is at war.  America is at the Mall.  If you don't stand behind our troops, PLEASE feel free to stand in front of them! Remember, Freedom isn't Free.  Thousands have paid the price, so that you can enjoy what you have today.




Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.



Interesting Tidbits


Things to know......Very Educational!!


In the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb.  Hence we have 'the rule of thumb.'


Many years ago in Scotland a new game was invented.  It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only....Ladies Forbidden.'  And thus, the word GOLF entered into the English language.  Seems like great timing for this story given the controversy that’s currently going on at the “Masters” over allowing women into the “club.”  mlm


The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flintstone.


Coca-Cola was originally green.


It is impossible to lick your elbow.


The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven:  Ł 10,120.00


The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.


Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:  Spades -- King David; Hearts – Charlemagne; Clubs -- Alexander, the Great; Diamonds -- Julius Caesar


111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321


If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.  If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died because of wounds received in battle.  If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.


Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter 'A'?

A.  One thousand


Q.  What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common?

A.  All were invented by women.

 What is the only food that doesn't spoil?

A.  Honey


In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes.
When you pulled on the ropes, the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on.  Hence the phrase “Goodnight, sleep tight.”

It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink.  Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon.

In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts.  So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them 'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.  It's where we get the phrase: 'mind your P's and Q's.'

Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle, of their ceramic cups.  When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service.  'Wet your whistle' is the phrase inspired by this practice.

At least 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow!

Don't delete this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you can read it.

I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the first and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a Taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This Is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by Istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?




1.  You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave.

2.  You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3.  You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.

4.  You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

5.  Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

6.  You pull up in your own driveway and use your mobile phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries...

7.  Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.

8.  Leaving the house without your mobile phone, which you didn't even have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

10.  You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.

11.  You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : )


12.  You're reading this and nodding and laughing.

13.  Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

14.  You are too busy to notice there was no 9 on this list.

15.  You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a 9 on this list

~~~~~~~~~~~AND FINALLY~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

NOW U R LAUGHING at yourself.

Go on, forward this to your friends.
You know you want to!  And stop trying to lick your elbow!





We (the editors) are still in Marietta, GA, with our son and his family.  Little Parker Channing May entered this world on March 24, three weeks early.  After spending 8 days in the NICU of Northside Hospital in Atlanta, he is home with his Mom, Dad, and big sister Raegan.  PaPa and Nana are doing what we can to help with taking care of Raegan and helping out in any way we are needed.  It is such a joy to be able to spend time with the kids and grandkids especially when we live 635 miles from them.  Raegan is so much fun and this “little May boy” is very special.  Now, I will tell you that I know why we don’t have little ones at my age as I am tired by the end of each night but I wouldn’t take for the time with this special family.  We plan to be here until after Easter then back to Virginia to catch up after being gone 17 days.




Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


April 6 – Dick Jackson
April 7 – Janice Ward
April 7 – Charles Pollard, Class of 1956
April 8 – Geri Baden
April 8 – Brooke Franks

April 8 – Marge Salhus
April 8 – Austin Simmons
April 8 – Carlee Haynie
April 9 – Shirley (Rickerd) Munselle, Class of 1955
April 10 – Brianna Taylor
April 11 – Shane McLaury


Happy Anniversary To:


April 11 -- David & Galeen Chain







A group of friends from the Penia Baptist Church wanted to get together on a regular basis, socialize, and play games.  The lady of the house was to prepare the meal.


When it came time for Al and Janet to be the hosts, Janet wanted to outdo all the others. She decided to have mushroom smothered steak.  But mushrooms are expensive. She then told her husband, "No mushrooms. They are too high."


He said, "Why don't you go down in the pasture and pick some of those mushrooms? There are plenty in the creek bed."


She said, "No, some wild mushrooms are poison."


He said, "Well, I see varmints eating them and they're OK."


So Janet decided to give it a try. She picked a bunch, washed, sliced, and diced them for her smothered steak.  Then she went out on the back porch and gave Ol' Spot (the yard dog) a double handful.  Ol' Spot ate every bite.  All morning long, Janet watched Ol' Spot and the wild mushrooms didn't seem to affect him, so she decided to use them.


The meal was a great success, and Janet even hired a helper lady from town to help her serve.  After everyone had finished, they relaxed, socialized, and played '42' and dominoes.  About then, the helper lady came in and whispered in Janet's ear.  She said, "Mrs. Williams, Ol' Spot is dead."


Janet went into hysterics.  After she finally calmed down, she called the doctor and told him what had happened.  The doctor said, "That's bad, but I think we can take care of it.  I will call for an ambulance and I will be there as quickly as possible.  We'll give everyone enemas and we will pump out everyone's stomach. Everything will be fine. Just keep them calm."

Soon they could hear the siren as the ambulance was coming down the road.

The EMTs and the doctor had their suitcases, syringes, and a stomach pump.

One by one, they took each person into the bathroom, gave them an enema, and pumped out their stomach.


After the last one was finished, the doctor came out and said, "I think everything will be fine now," and he left.


They were all looking pretty weak sitting around the living room and about this time the helper lady came in and whispered to Janet.....


"You know, that fellow that run over Ol' Spot never even stopped."




From the Email “Bag”


March 30, 2012


We will pray for Parker. We know he will be all right!


Yes, I remember the Easter egg hunts at school and at church.  We had a lot of fun hunting the eggs.  My Mama always made me and my sister Billie a new dress for Easter.  So we got a new dress that year.  I sure liked that too!  Keep up the politics also.  You are right about everything you write!!!  We sure enjoy reading about everything you write and everything everybody else writes about. Keep up the good work!  You and Carolyn are doing a good job!!   


John and Bonnie (Pollard) Phillips, Class of 1964




April 1, 2012


Anybody remember the Washers that were just for cloth diapers?


Phil Liles, Class of 1973





Political Fodder


Your Choice


This is something that we all can understand!


Interesting regardless of your politics.  This rather brilliantly cuts through all the political doublespeak we get.  It puts it into a much better perspective. 


Lesson #1:


U.S. Tax Revenue:  $2,170,000,000,000

Federal Budget:  $3,820,000,000,000,

New Debt:  $1,650,000,000,000

National Debt:  $14,271,000,000,000

Recent Budget Cuts:  $38,500,000,000


Let’s now remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget:


Annual Family Income:  $21,700

Money the Family Spent:  $38,200

New Debt on the Credit Card:  $16,500

Outstanding Balance on the Credit Card:  $142,710

Total Budget Cuts:  $385


Got It???


Ok now.  Lesson #2:


Here’s another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:


Let’s say, you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood…and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.  What do you think you should do


Raise the ceilings, or pump out the crap?


Your choice is coming November 2012.




Which side of the fence?


If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!


If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.

If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches to other channels.

Democrats demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.


If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Republican reads this, he'll forward it to his friends.
A Democrat will delete it because he's "offended.”

Well, I forwarded it.






Bruce Cook, 56, Hobart, Class of 1973


Don Stockton, 50, Oklahoma City, former Con 8 resident, April 1, 2012


Donald Willis, 70, former Mt. Park resident


Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



News Center -- Always Available Online


Remember--past, current, and all future editions of “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition” can be viewed online from any computer at:  We highly recommend that you bookmark this link.


In addition to viewing all copies of the paper, you can use this website to send comments or news items to us for publication.  Simply enter your name, your class year (if a Roosevelt graduate), your email address, and the comments you want to make or the news item you want to send and click on “Submit Information” button at the bottom left of the page.  The information that you submitted will show on your screen under a title of “Form Confirmation”—confirming that what you entered was sent to our email. 



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This newsletter is an email edition.  The only way for you to receive it and keep up-to-date with your friends from Roosevelt is for you to keep us informed of changes to your email address.  So please be sure to notify us at should your email address change.  We also encourage you to send us email addresses for friends and family who might also like to receive the newsletter so that we can include them on our list.





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