Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


News Center

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Carolyn Niebruegge May                                                                 Michael L. May

Vol. 1, Is. 2                                                                                         July 29, 2011



From the Editor:


This issue finds us with our arms “wrapped around” the project with a lot more confidence than we had last week.  Our database of “subscribers” has filled in quite nicely, and we have deleted the incorrect emails.  Carolyn has spent considerable time making templates for the various sections that can be filled in with new information and pasted into the final copy for the week.  We have gotten a few news items, “funnies,” and “unfortunately” received several other obituaries of former alums and residents--sad, but understand this is news people want to hear.  I’ve been searching for a better and simpler means for you, the readers, to send news to us.  That has been my focus for the week.  I am happy to say that I have developed a web page that’s accessible on the internet from any computer anywhere.  I refer to this site as “News Central.”  From that location, you can easily send us news or comments by filling in some basic information (your name, your class--if a graduate of Roosevelt, and your email), plus the news or comment you want to send--then, at the bottom of the page, clicking on “Send Information” and it will go directly to our email.  The web address (URL), which appears in the header to this edition (and all future editions), is:  In addition to being able to send news or comment from this location, you will be able to read current and past copies of the news that we have published.  For your convenience, I suggest that you bookmark this web address.  I trust that this will become a worthwhile addition to our endeavor.  Obviously, you can also send information directly to my email at:  If you choose to do that, please include your class, if you are a graduate.  Also, please, please don’t think that you must be a graduate to send news or comment.  News is welcomed from ALL interested parties.  Our readers have interest in who is visiting, where you’ve been, upcoming events, any “snapshot” of your life and the things happening around you.  This applies to everyone not just those living in and around Roosevelt.  Lastly, I hope you enjoy this issue of the “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition.”





Content Contributors for the Week


Judy Conrad

Dan Hayslip

Pam Stroud Jackson

Carolyn Martin

Dee Richardson

All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!



Remembering Johnnie Sears


If you look in Webster’s Dictionary under “First Grade Teacher” you’ll probably see a picture of Johnnie Sears--if not, it’s most likely a misprint and you should purchase a newer edition.  She taught at Roosevelt for 34 years following a lady who Johnny Block claims used to let him sit in her lap--my Mother, at the time known as “Miss Carpenter.”  Johnnie Sears was an “original.”  Most would agree to that for sure.  Many of her teaching techniques probably wouldn’t survive today’s scrutiny of teachers.  Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t do “bad things” just things that wouldn’t fly today--things like tying Gigi Conway in his chair for not staying in his seat, pinning a “tail” on your behind stating “I’m a Tattle Tale” for you “squealing” on someone’s misdoings, or pinning a “tongue” on your behind stating that “I talk too much.”


Mrs. Sears, as we all knew her--can’t imagine calling her “Miss Johnnie” as children do today--passed away on May 23, of this year.  I was fortunate to be in Oklahoma at the time of her death and had the privilege of attending her funeral.  The celebration of her life, led by Rev. Tim Tutten was superb.  I know she would have been pleased at the light hearted, yet sincere manner in which it was handled.  She was so loved by all she taught--and their parents.  I am amazed that she lived as many years as she did after losing the “apple of her eye,” her only son, John Douglas.   John came along quite late in life and filled a huge void in Johnnie and Doug’s world--a void which became even larger when she lost him of a massive heart attack in 2003, at age 47.


Mrs. Sears was so crafty--loved decorating her class room--and updated it often.  Disney characters were her favorites and she used them freely.  Our class was the first, first grade class in the “new” Grade School Building.  I will never forget our class members lying on huge sheets of heavy paper, letting someone trace around our bodies, then coloring our figures to put in our chairs for the building open house.  This so defined her creativity.  Oh, and by the way, I’d bet you a steak that the money for most, if not all of her decorating came out of her own pocket.


I can still see that brown and tan ’55 Oldsmobile pull up to the “hitching post” (the teeter totter frame from the old Grade School Building) out front by the cellar.  Out of the back seat would come boxes of her “stuff” and on most days, Johnny Nash with his Howdy Doody Stage, puppet, and all the treats that Howdy gave away (I’m sure unknown to and compliments of Nash’s Department Store).


I earlier mentioned Gigi Conway--there’s a lot more to that story.  Mrs. Edmundson came strolling through the swinging door from the Second Grade to the First only to hear Gigi ask, “Mrs. Edmundson, would you hand me my pencil that I dropped?”  To which (and I paraphrase) she exclaimed, “Get up and get it yourself you lazy hulk.”  His response -- “I would, but Mrs. Sears has me tied to my chair.”


She had several pet projects over the years.  Top of her list had to be her beloved Rhythm Band--without question the best in the land.  She poured her heart into the many performances they put on.  She and her “sidekick” Naomi Edmundson were “a pair to draw to”--Naomi was the straight “guy” and Johnnie the comedian.  Next on her list was the Sr. High Boys Quartet--Ray Hackney, Rex Hackney, Robert Rose, and Jarrell Hill.  They were really quite amazing and another shining example of Roosevelt talent developed by Mrs. Sears.  Another little remembered group of hers was the Jr. High Boys Quartet made up of Bobby Miller, Phil Schrader, Mike May (yeah me), and Mike Augun.  We were quite big on Peter, Paul, and Mary songs and Madras shirts.  As a side note, anyone knowing anything as to the whereabouts of Mike Augun please let me know.  Last I knew, he was a firefighter in Houston back in the late 70’s to early 80’s.


I have no question that she is happy to once again be with her beloved son and husband.  RIP Mrs. Sears.





Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


"There is no cure for birth and death, save to enjoy the interval."  George Santayana




"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."  Eleanor Roosevelt



Roosevelt High School Reunion 2011


Watch this space for news on the upcoming Roosevelt High School Reunion which will be September 30 and October 1.  We will be bringing you updates on the plans for the Reunion.  In addition, we will include a list of all of those who have sent in their registrations to attend.  Watch to see who of your classmates/friends plan to attend and encourage those who are not on the list to come.  The more the merrier!!




Roosevelt Alumni,


You should all have received your reunion package by now and I hope you are making plans and will be able to attend. 


I have been contacted by several alumni in the past few months who would like for us to hold the reunion every year instead of every two years.  The reasoning is that if you are unable to make one now, it is another two years before the next one making a total of four years between reunions.  I thought I would send out this notice so you could give it some thought and we can vote on it at our business meeting this year. 


Looking forward to a great turnout this year.  See you in September.


Dan Hayslip




As Dan stated, hopefully everyone has received a reunion package either in the mail or in an attachment to an earlier email we sent out.  However, just in case you did not receive a package, we are including the information below.  Print the Reservation Form and mail it in so your name can be added to the list already planning to attend.





Friday, September 30, 2011


·         6:30-9:00pm:   Mixer at the Roosevelt Grade School; snacks and sodas provided.  **Donations Accepted**


Saturday, October 1, 2011 - Roosevelt Grade School


·         8:30-12pm:      Registration, Refreshments

·         12pm-2:00:      Concession lunch available

·         2:00-4:00:       Fund-Raising Auction

·         5:00-5:30:       Alumni Business Meeting

1.      Financial Review

                   2.   Election of President

·         5:30-7:00:       Evening Meal, Catered by Klein’s Catering Service (BBQ)

                                               $13.00 per person in advance/$20.00 at the door (if available).

·         7:00-11:00:     Entertainment


We ask that you make every attempt to make your reservations in advance in order to help the committee plan this event.  Reservation form and payment must be received by September 1, 2011 to guarantee meal tickets will be available at registration.


Motels and Bed & Breakfasts Available in Altus, Hobart, Quartz Mtn. and other surrounding areas.


Detach and return with payment to: Roosevelt Alumni, PO Box 341, Roosevelt OK  73564



Alumni Name                                                                          Class of                                  

Spouse, Friend, or Relative’s Name, also attending                                                              

Address                                               City                             State                Zip                 

Email address                                                                                     

Phone number                                                                                    

Number of 2009 Reunion DVDs                     @ $15 each =                                    

Number to attend Friday Mixer                         **Donations accepted**

Number to attend Saturday night meal                       @ $13.00 each =                               







The 2009 Roosevelt High School Class Reunion was held on September 25-26, 2009, in Roosevelt, Oklahoma, at the Grade School.  Several alumni donated items that were auctioned off during the festivities to raise funds for the alumni association to help finance future alumni events and keep costs to a level that all may enjoy.  This is very important since the Alumni Committee has decided to eliminate the $5 Membership Fee implemented in 2007 to cover the costs of alumni mailings.  So please remember to bring your items to donate for the auction on Saturday.  It is a lot of fun and a chance to show off your talents.  Don’t miss out on the third fund-raising auction to be held at the 2011 Reunion on Saturday, October 1, 2011 between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 PM.  If you have any special talent, arts and craft, recipe, old or unused items, bring it on down and we will auction it off, anything from your favorite home-made jams, quilts, tractor, old phonograph, etc.


** As an added note, we no longer have to pay to rent tables and chairs since we used some of the funds raised from last year’s auction to buy them. 


We have a limited number of DVDs from the 2009 Reunion available for purchase.  If you would like to reserve your copy, please make note on the reservation form and include the advance purchase price of $15 in with your reservation.  If there are any DVDs remaining, they will be on sale at the reunion for $20 each.


If anyone needs more information or has questions about the reunion, please call Dan Hayslip at 972-938-3703 or 214-796-3131 or email him at




Reservations for the 2011 Roosevelt High School Reunion have been received from the following:


Class of 1947:  Bobbi (Alford) Buckner

Class of 1948:  Cotton (Muse) Mathis and James

Class of 1949:  Bob Sheets

Class of 1951:  Lena (Kenimer) Harris

Class of 1953:  Tom Alford; Shirley (Webb) Cook and Dober

Class of 1955:  Beverly Gray and Don Taylor

Class of 1956:  Rose (Chance) Anderson; Dwight Peterson

Class of 1957:  Jim Law and Alice; Johnny Block

Class of 1958:  Merle Jones and Kathy Falconer

Class of 1959:  Jerry Alford; Norwood Pollard; Gene Janes and Janice

Class of 1961:  Paula (Miller) Block

Class of 1963:  Johnny Alford

Class of 1964:  Bonnie (Pollard) Phillips and John

Class of 1965:  Michael May and Carolyn



Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.



Local News


The Stroud-Walker families held their annual reunion on Saturday, July 23, 2011. The fun gathering took place at Lugert Lake.  The food was yummy, as always, and the fellowship was even better. Thank goodness for the air conditioned shelter that we had. We have this reunion every year on the 3rd Saturday in July.  So if you consider us family by blood or by LOVE join us next year for a great time of home cooked food, horseshoes and any other games we decide to play.  Roosevelt alumni family members made a BIG statement.  A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL.

Those attending included Pam and David Jackson; Megan Pappilli; David Stroud; Misty, Troy, Brittany, Kenneth, and Carly McKelvey; Christy and James Walls and Tristan Stevens; Angie Stroud; Buddie Turpin and Tara Beth Turpin; Kayla Davis; Dwayne and Trever Britton; Carie Stroud, Kourtney and Kelly Foster, and Kammie Shelburne; Brenda Wilhite; Gary, Delisa, and Dena Jennings; Brett, Jennifer, Paige, and Bryce Stroud;  Dave and Teresa Mills and Michelle and Patty; Kaitlyn and Eric Walker; Vickie Clark and Brandi, her husband and two children; Victor Derling; James, Betty, and Kendra Barns; Anna Barnes Everhart; Phyllis Barnes Kriebell and Rebecca; Lorenzo and Evelyn Pelt; Dan Hayslip; Jerry Hayslip; Carolyn Martin; Cleo Martin; Steven Walker; James Walker; Faye Walker; Maggie Walker; and Lillie Jenkins.  



Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


July 30 – Chase Brannon Jackson  
July 30 – Samantha Reeves
July 31 – Polly (Swanson) Bredy
July 31 – Stacey (Miller) Bartel
July 31 – Betty L. (Mrs. Allen) Moore

August 1 – Leah (Bynum) Bobrovicz, Class of 1967

August 1 – Jill (Bynum) Smith, Class of 1973
August 1 – Chanan Davis

August 3 – Jim Whitson





Some of you may have seen the following bit of humor but it is so appropriate to the conditions in Oklahoma that when Stanna Lee forwarded it to us we thought we should include it in this issue.



It's so dry in Oklahoma that the Baptists are starting to baptize by
sprinkling, the Methodists are using wet-wipes, the Presbyterians are giving out
rain-checks, and the Catholics are praying for the wine to turn back into water.

Now THAT's Dry..............................

I was visiting online with a buddy out at Elk City and she said she'd killed
a mosquito that was carrying a canteen.

A friend in southwest Oklahoma told me the chicken farmers were giving the
chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.

But just this week, here in Roff, a man said he saw a fire hydrant bribing a
dog.  Out at Roff Lake, another friend caught a 20 lb catfish that had ticks on

Man, it's been HOT & DRY, and it's only July.



From the Email “Bag”


July 21, 2011


Mike, thanks for taking this on. Our e-mail address has changed from to


I retired a couple of years ago, and 9 months ago we moved to Granbury, TX to a house on the lake. It had long been our hope to retire to a lake someday. We fell in love with Granbury several years ago and decided to make the big move.


Thanks again....I’ll try to contribute more a little later......


Tom Rickey




July 21, 2011


Just want to say thank you for starting the newsletter again.

A few in Roosevelt might like to know that Terry and I have our first grandchild, a girl, Chelsi Reese Wann, born April 25, 2011. She is the daughter of Jeff and Kristin Wann of Bartlesville, OK. Grandparents are Terry and Sheri (Pound) Wann, Pawhuska, OK.  Great-grandparents are Shelia Pound, Hobart; and Sarah Britton, Sentinel.

God Bless! Sheri (Pounds) Wann
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."




July 21, 2011


East Coast Edition...  Where are you on the east coast?  I moved to North Shore Cold Spring in Nov 2005.  I am originally from Philadelphia.  Was told when I moved in here, "Boy, if you ain't a farmer, you'll never fit in".  Then I started with senior adults.  Met Wanda at Sunny's.  Got a kick out of her newsletters.  Glad to see it still going.


Rich Ainslee



July 22, 2011


What a wonderful tribute about Wanda Jackson.  We can still remember her sitting at her computer working while receiving oxygen at the '05 Reunion.  She was definitely one of a kind.  Every time I wrote her for someone's address she quickly responded so I have been able to be in touch with several of our classmates.


Mike, you and Carolyn are to be commended for assuming the responsibility of assembling and distributing the Roosevelt News!


Wayne & Kate Stafford (Class of '55)





Deral J. Johnson (Class of 1944)


Wallace Levi Reneau (Former Officer of the Security State Bank, Roosevelt)  Then highlight “Reneau, Wallace” and click on “View Selected”


Garland Ray Chain (Local Resident)


Jack Allan Snavely (Former Roosevelt School Teacher and Coach)


O. T. Brooks (Former publisher of Kiowa County Democrat in Snyder)



Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



Email Addresses


This newsletter is an email edition.  The only way for you to receive it and keep up-to-date with your friends from Roosevelt is for you to keep us informed of changes to your email address.  So please be sure to notify us at should your email address change.  We also encourage you to send us email addresses for friends and family who might also like to receive the newsletter so that we can include them on our list.





We welcome your comments and feedback on our first issue of the Roosevelt News, East Coast Edition.