Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                      Michael L. May

Vol. 1, Is. 13                                                                                      Oct. 14, 2011



From the Editor


I regret starting this editorial out AGAIN talking about Yahoo, and I hope this will be my last comment on the subject.  We continue to have issues with the newsletter getting out to Yahoo addresses.  As you were told 2 weeks ago, the only solution I know (if you are having issues receiving the paper) is to get an account from a domain other than Yahoo (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) or check for it at

Unfortunately, I really don’t know how widespread the problem is, but I know that from week to week some Yahoo users are not getting their paper.  You can help me determine if this is as big an issue as I think it is by doing the following.  If you have a Yahoo account and do receive the paper, PLEASE click “Reply,” enter “Got it” in the subject line, and send to me.  Ok, I’m done and stepping off of my “Soap Box” (at least for now).


As much as we did enjoy our near 3 week trip, we are happy to return home “safe and sound”--thanks to our excellent driver (Carolyn).  She can do it all!  After 41 years I’m still trying to justify what I add to this relationship other than expense.  She still puts up with me.  I sometimes think that what she likes best about me is that I get up early, leave her alone in bed, and let her sleep until she wants to get up.  BTW, she IS still asleep.


One can’t leave this place for 3 weeks and return home without a “bunch” of work that needs doing--regardless of the time of year.  Now leaves and acorns are coming down like rain.  We also have some “suckers” on azaleas and holly’s that need trimming.  We didn’t put in our pansies before we left knowing they would end up as “deer salad.”  We did buy them and take to Karen’s for safe keeping only to find that they are really “over the hill” and not worth us spending time planting them.  Fortunately, Home Depot still had plenty of real nice ones (currently residing on our driveway) awaiting us putting them in the ground this morning.  We did manage to pick up some pumpkins and gourds for a little front porch “fall decoration.”  I really like fall--well I like all seasons and we’re fortunate to experience them all here in Virginia.  The older I get the more I enjoy winter when there is little that needs doing outside.


Well, I hear water running upstairs so guess Nana is up and ready to greet the day.  That means that I need to shut this down and get prepared for the “pansy planting.”





Content Contributors for the Week


Reid Davis

Beth Mahoney

All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!



Remembering My Grandpa Olen “Cowboy” Reid


Olen Reid was my Grandpa and I always thought he was 10 ft. tall with the way he always wore his pant legs tucked inside his cowboy boots, I suppose to show off the elaborate stitching on the tops. Olen was very involved in politics and anything civic going on in Roosevelt and southwest Oklahoma.  He was a Yellow Dog Democrat and loved to brag about it.  I once heard him tell a man that he once voted Republican and if the Lord would forgive him he'd never do it again and do remember he could have sprinkled some colorful language in his comment.  Grandpa, Ben Talley, Hugh Stoops, Bob Weiser and many of the other local men would work politically on many projects.  I remember the Army surplus fire truck that they acquired and Roosevelt still has I believe.


The wild turkeys that are in this area were brought here by Olen when I was about 5 years old.  I can remember when they brought the crates of turkeys, and we all went down in the mountains east of Roosevelt to turn them out.  He loved hunting, fishing, and spinning tall tales.  He, Collie Moore, Clifton Chevront, and many others opened up the Skeet range just south of Roosevelt on what I think was Jr. Edmondson’s land just south of the old dump yard.


Horses were another of his passions and we always had them around. He was the announcer at the Roosevelt Rodeo's (Fairdeos) for more years than I can remember, always calling the young cowgirls by “Missy” or “Little Lady” -- the older ones were “Mam.”  He once bought Brad and me a paint donkey and her spotted mule colt to ride and promptly named them Jen and Jill.  I think most of the kids our age have ridden these animals at on time or another.  I am not sure of the date, but probably in the 1950s he let the county start a gravel pit on his land east of town.  That gravel pit provided gravel for most of the roads, if not all in those days, in the south half of the county that had gravel on them.  The gravel pit also made a good party spot that was enjoyed by many. The Roosevelt Riding club used to have trail rides down in the mountains and he always loved it.

He was a true cowman in every aspect of his life.  Ranching was his life.  He won his first washing machine in a roping contest.  He owned the old Saddle Mt. store when my mother Olene was just a baby.  They started a roping event back in the 30's that later evolved into the Saddle Mt. Roundup club which is still in existence today with picnics throughout the summer months on the McBride ranch by Saddle Mt.


They called him “Jew Reid” because he never bought anything without haggling over the price!  He once bought a huge lot of Easter egg dye from a salesman because he beat the man down on the price and after he left had to ask, “When is Easter anyway!”


He was an excellent marksman also.  He and Delf Bryce, who was a cousin from Mt. View and also an FBI agent and at one time the fastest draw in America, would put on shooting demonstrations for us out at his house.  He bought the first color television in Roosevelt and all the old gang would come out to his house to watch the World Series baseball games on that TV.  I can remember that the TV had 3 colors, red, green, and yellow but oh how magical it was.  He could also be found in Eucie’s domino parlor on many days where the older men would spin tails and spit tobacco over a game of dominos or pitch.


He never met a stranger and no matter where you were, whether at a local sale barn or in OKC in “Cow Town” everyone knew him.  He treated you as if you were no different than he was, although the whole time he was trying to figure out how he could buy your goods for less!


The men of that era did an awful lot for southwest Oklahoma and Roosevelt. Many of the projects will go untold but these men of the past deserve our respect and thanks.


Reid Davis, Class of 1973



Editor’s addendum:


The last thing I’d want to do is change the flow of Reid’s excellent article about his Grandpa by adding some thoughts to his original text, but I have a few additional remembrances of Olen that I just can’t hold without sharing.


I can remember going into the café with my Dad and Granddad and knowing the minute you walked in the door that “Cowboy Reid” was there.  His booming voice would drown out any ancillary conversation in progress. He was bigger, louder, taller, and prouder than most and willingly demonstrated it with his animated body language.


He was “Mr. Lion”--an avid supporter of the Lion’s Club and all their activities--especially the annual carnival at the “Roosevelt - Cooperton Free Fair.”  He always worked in the Bingo concession.  Since he was no stranger to the microphone you could hear him cry out “B 21” all over town.  If you were the first the cry out “Bingo,” he would always be willing to offer up a “cupie doll” as a prize.


Another “carnival favorite” was the Dunking Tank where you could buy five chances (5 baseballs) to throw at the bull’s eye in an attempt at sending the subject sitting over the tank into the cold water below.  When you hit the bull’s eye, down they went.  Olen was a crowd favorite to sit over the tank and offer up some of his classical banter (and harassment) to the current contestant.  He was a real sport--even when the contestant succeeded and he “hit the water.”


As Reid mentioned, Olen always announced the Rodeos and Horse Shows.  I’ll never forget how he described the different classes in the show.  He would say, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have two basic classes--“Lead em and feed em” and “Ride em and Slide em.”


My last comment about Olen has to do with his “Ranch House.”  I don’t think I was ever in it more than once, but do remember that in the corner of the kitchen was a corner booth like you would see in a café.  I thought that was so cool--and so “Classic Olen.”  Yes, again we must categorize him as another of the “Bigger-than-life Roosevelt Originals.”





Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results. -- Author Unknown



"Sympathy sees and says, "I'm sorry", compassion sees and says, "I'll help;" when we learn the difference, we can make a difference." – Author Unknown


"Experience is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him." -- Aldous Huxley


Roosevelt High School Reunion 2011




We have compiled a list of those attending the 2011 Roosevelt High School Reunion.  This list may not be complete as we believe there were several who did not make it to the registration table or came late after registration was closed. 


The earliest class represented at the reunion was 1943.  Two from that class attended, Gerry Ankney and Clyde Blackwood.  Based on the information from registration, the class of 1959 had the largest number (12) attending.  Regardless of the number attending from each class, everyone had a great time reconnecting with friends from “ole” times.  If you attended, take a look at the list below and see who you might have missed seeing there.  Mike found some he missed visiting with and we are sure you probably will too.  Now, if you didn’t attend, see who you really missed seeing and visiting with.  Begin now to make plans to attend the 2013 reunion the last full weekend in September.  Don’t miss the fun the next time around.


Roosevelt High School 2011 Reunion Attendees:


Class of 1943:  Gerry Ankney; Clyde Blackwood

Class of 1944:  Eldon Hawkins

Class of 1945:  Joyce Henson; Edythe (Midget Cooper) Stillson; Wanda Adkins; Frances (Smith) Hopkins and Bob Smith

Class of 1946:  Mabel Blackwood

Class of 1947:  Bobbie (Alford) Buckner

Class of 1948:  Stanley Davis; Frank Wood; Alma Dee (Muse) Moore: Cotton (Muse) Mathis and James

Class of 1949:  Norene (Goodin) Jackson and Willie; Pat Moore; Bob Sheets and Anita

Class of 1950:  Norwood Pollard; James Harris

Class of 1951:  Betty (Block) Broadus; Billy Lile and Nelda; Lena (Kenimer) Harris and James; Dale Cain and Darla

Class of 1952:  Mervyn Hackney

Class of 1953:  Tom Alford; Evelyn (Lanterman) Walters; Phyllis (Cook) Stockton and Randall; L. D. Sheets; Oweeda Sheets; Shirley (Webb) Cook and Dobber

Class of 1955:  Kenneth G. Scott; Elbert McNutt

Class of 1956:  James Bauman; Gaylon (Buck) Cook; Bill Pitts and Edna; Don Riggs; Charles Pollard and Barbara

Class of 1957:  Curtis Scott; Walter Farrar; Jim Law; Mary (Kimray) Scalf; Nancy (Davis) McNutt; Johnny Block; Darrell Cooper

Class of 1958:  Lou Ann (Hester) Cook; Arden Beavers and Sharon; Ron Hebensperger and Janet;  Jack Felter; Vernon Phillips; Merle Jones and Kathy Falconer; Doyle Stoup and Mary Ann

Class of 1959:  Jerry Alford; Gene Janes; Jackie D. Davis; Gayle (Thomas) Lyde and Frank; Dolores (Eaton) Earley; Betty (Armstrong) Barnes, James, and Kendra; Lee Griffee and Shirley; Yvette Nash; Mike Berridge; Jay L. Orr; Amelia (Graves) Ausmus: Sandra (Shelton) Bardsher

Class of 1960:  Cheryl (Eaton) Owens; Jerri (Edmundson) Menz; Henry Graves and Deloris; Joe Nash

Class of 1961:  Glenda (Griffee) Mayfield; Bobbie (Scalf) Simmons and Jim; Linda (Goodin) Orr Hash; Gaylon Hayslip; Judy (Nash) Williams and Eddie; Paula Block

Class of 1962:  Dan Hayslip; Sam McNeill and Doug; Ralph Farrar; Mary (Griffee) Rickey; Bill Lyde and Jean; Joseph Ankney; Ronnie Collmer; Austilene (Turner) Borum

Class of 1963:  John Alford; Stanna (Brewer) Lee; Sandra (Pitts) Phillips; Karen Denton and Tommy

Class of 1964:  Larry Phillips; Jerry Hayslip; Bonnie (Pollard) Phillips and John; Tom Hebensperger; Jerry Melton

Class of 1965:  Mike May and Carolyn; Troy Clark; Bobby Miller

Class of 1966:  Malynda (Ankney) Adams and Donald; Ralph Goodin

Class of 1967:  Billie (Pollard) Boren; Brenda (Bagley) Phillips

Class of 1968:  Jennifer Moore; Judy (Starcher) Tripp; Kathy (Boyd) Cacini

Class of 1969:  Janet (Starcher) Shirley and Randy; Serbi Alonzo and Linda; Glenda (Sparks) Hyneman; Elizabeth (Boydston) Miller

Class of 1970:  Esther Alonzo

Class of 1971:  Phil Collmer; Kirk Moore; John Hebensperger; Danny Lanig; Glen Brazil; Nita (Coffman) Kliewer; Mark Baden

Class of 1972:  Joe Rutledge; Keith Morgan; Mark McCollom; Eusebio Alonzo; Sandy Coffman; Jenny Loveless and Paul; Suzanne (Davis) Bonham

Class of 1973:  Reid Davis; Richard Hilliard; Shirley Funkhouser and Stan

Class of 1974:  Brad Davis

Class of 1975:  Gilbert Alonzo and Tonya Burton; David Jackson

Class of 1977:  Gayla (Cook) Miller; Emma Alonza; Johnny Starcher and Donna Schiller

Class of 1978:  David Stroud and Gayeleen; Penny McCuiston and Paul

Class of 1979:  Pam (Stroud) Jackson; Sabrina (Stoup) Vincent; Sheryl (Crockett) Todd; Esther Alonzo; Bobby Ervin; Alice Newman; Adrian and Connie (Workman) Alonzo

Class of 1983:  Donna (Hawkins) Cooper; Leah (Abramson) Phillips

Class of 1985:  Chris Ankney

Class of 1987:  Phillis (Barnes) Krehbiel; Justin Krehbiel

Class of 1988:  Mijo Chard and Linda Melton

Class of 1989:  Tara (Wood) Miles; Ryvers Simmons

Class of 1990:  Brad Boyd

Class of 1991:  Glenda Jenkins, Shawn, and Cody; Krystal (Mahoney) Lancaster, Bill, and Tommy; Shirley McGee

Class of 1992:  Mac Raasch; Joe Baldaras

Teachers:  Nancy Willis, Kindergarten, 1967-1972; Betty Starcher Moore, 4th grade, 1969-1983

Guests:  Carolyn Martin; Brenda (Stroud) Wilhite; Clitha (Stroud) Kilbourne; Manuela Alonzo; Carie Stroud; Bob Grimes; Pat Grimes; Chas Miller; Matt Allen; Sam Ward




Early Graduates


Even though they were unable to attend the 2011 Roosevelt High School Reunion, the following early graduates wanted to let everyone know they were “still up and kicking.”  Dr. Alice (Cooper) Ferdinand (Class of 1931) at the young age of 96; Louise (Barker) Treadway (Class of 1937); Bertha (Cooper) Sells, (Class of 1938) 91 years young; and Harvey F. Cooper (Class of 1939), 89 years of age.  It is wonderful to hear from these and know they are still interested in Roosevelt.






Each reunion the alumni remember those who have passed since the previous reunion.  Sadly, the list this year was longer than any one would have liked.  Many of the obituaries have been included in earlier issues of the Roosevelt Newsletter.  However, we did want to include a complete list of those remembered at the reunion.  The month of death is given in parenthesis.




Joan (Johnson) Christenson, Class of 1951 (Sept. 2011)

David Rule, Class of 1950 (Sept. 2011)

Mike Jackson, Class of 1970 (Sept. 2011)

Tanda Talley, Class of 1979 (Sept. 2011)

Harry W. Bensel, Class of 1972 (Aug. 2011)

Patsy Lou (Conn) Stutte, Class of 1972 (Aug. 2011)

Jack Snavely, Former Teacher/coach (July 2011)

Julia Ann (Judy) (Law) Ayres, Class of 1959 (July 2011)

John Brett Cooper, Class of 1977 (July 2011)

Johnnie Sears, Former Teacher (May 2011)

Johnie Kay (Muldowney) Holliday Class of 1965 (May 2011)

Arless Ray Orr, Class of 1963 (April 2011)

Bernice (Morgan) Files, Class of 1938 (April 2011)

Jackie Trotter, Class of 1950 (Mar. 2011)

Wallace Reneau, Class of 1928 (Feb. 2011)

Wayne Kimray, Class of 1954 (Feb. 2011)

Melba (Vaught) Smith, Class of 1942 (Feb. 2011)

Wanda Jackson, Former Teacher (Jan. 2011)

Wendell Johnson, Class of 1955 (Jan. 2011)

Jerry Brown, Class of 1963 (Jan. 2011)

Bill W. Pitts, Class of 1947 (Jan. 2011)

Wallace Blackwood, Class of 1941 (Dec. 2010)

Georgia (Block) Beers, Class of 1943 (Dec. 2010)

Betty (Allard) Miller  (Nov. 2010)

Luella Winkler Ardhrumley, Class of 1951 (Sept. 2010)

Darnell Jackson, Class of 1973 (Sept. 2010)

Billie (Nance) Stockton, Class of 1947 (Aug. 2010)

Ralph Blackwood, Class of 1942 (Aug. 2010)

Elena (Callen) Johnston, Class of 1989 (Aug. 2010)

Ruth (Dudek) Melton, Class of 1939 (June 2010)

Lois Jan (Sheets) Faulk, Class of 1945 (July 2010)

Glenn Blackwood, Class of 1939 (June 2010)

Forrest Stafford, Class of 1949 (June 2010)

Deral Jean Johnson, Class of 1944 (March 2010)       

Edwin Morgan, Class of 1962 (March 2010)

C. D. Terry, Class of 1952 (March 2010)

Glen Harmon, Former Principal (March 2010)

Claude W. Smith, Class of 1955 (Feb. 2010)

Jimmie Martin, Class Parent (Feb. 2010)

Almeta Cantrall Lauderdale, Class of 1930 (Jan. 2010)

Jimmy Belding, Class of 1953 (Jan. 2010)

Bobby Ford  (Dec. 2009)

Evelyn Nordstrom Joyce, Class of 1936 (Dec. 2009)

Roy Baggett, Class of 1942 (Oct. 2009)

Jackie W. Davis, Class of 1959 (Unknown)



Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.





When You Turn 100 Years Young


If your name is Allene Penrod, your daughter is Beth Mahoney, and your cousin is both a former Senator and Governor of Oklahoma and current President of OU, you might just get a special Birthday Card like the one on the left when you turn 100 years young.


A well deserved recognition for a very special lady.  Congratulations from the editors--who didn’t go to OU.  Wonder if T. Boone Pickens might do something like this for us if we make it to 100?  Yes, I know he’s not the President of OSU, but he probably has more influence.










Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


October 14 – Alva “Dobber”   Cook
October 15 – Jeff Vanderpol, Class of 1980
October 16 – Virginia McCollom
October 17 – Velma Miller
October 17 – Gary Neuwirth
October 18 – Max Buchanan, Class of 1978

October 19 – Judith Brown Conrad, Class of 1961  

October 19 -- Alicia Neyers
October 19 – Nolan McCall

October 20 – Jeannie Stockton Smith, Class of 1966

October 20 – Judy Stockton, Class of 1966
October 20 – Ross Jackson, Class of 1967


Happy Anniversary To:


October 18 – Darrell & Angela Suanny Block

October 20 – Stan & Shirley Funkhouser





Watch out for the tricks!!!


Johnny’s mother had three children.  The first child was named April.  The second child was named May.  What was the third child’s name?


There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall and he wears size 13 sneakers.  What does he weigh?


Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?


How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?


What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly?


Billy was born on December 28th, yet his birthday is always in the summer.  How is this possible?


In California, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg.  Why not?


What was the President’s Name in 1975?


If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?


Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg are white” or “The yolk of the egg is white?


If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in another field?


Here are the Answers:


Johnny’s mother had three children.  The first child was named April.  The second child was named May.  What was the third child’s name?

Answer:  Johnny, of course.


There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall and he wears size 13 sneakers.  What does he weigh?

Answer:  Meat.


Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

Answer:  Mt. Everest; it just wasn’t discovered yet (you’re not very good at this are you?)


How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?

Answer:  There is no dirt in a hole.


What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly?

Answer:  Incorrectly.


Billy was born on December 28th, yet his birthday is always in the summer.  How is this possible?

Answer:  Billy lives in the Southern Hemisphere.


In California, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg.  Why not?

Answer:  You can’t take pictures with a wooden leg; you need a camera to take pictures.


What was the President’s Name in 1975?

Answer:  Same as it is now – Barack Obama (Oh, come on. . .).


If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

Answer:  You would be in 2nd—well, you passed the person in second place, not first.


Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg are white” or “The yolk of the egg is white?

Answer:  Neither, the yolk of the egg is yellow (duh).


If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in another field?

Answer:  One.  If he combines all of his haystacks, they all become one.



From the Email “Bag”


October 6, 2011


Thank all of you for providing all you do and most important information.  I really enjoyed the Reunions and meeting all of you and my class mates. Thanks to all that put in all the time and work to make the Reunion a success. 


Evelyn (Lanterman) Walters, Class of 1953




October 7, 2011


These names from the past pop up and the old memories start coming easier.  Wayne Stafford and Kate Roberts were an item when we were in school.  They were classmates with my older brother, Bill, 2 years ahead of me.  I remember walking in the hall, seeing them change classes, hand in hand, eyes always on each other.  Puppy love?????  Most people thought so, but its now 50 plus years later.  So, must have been a little more than that.  Wayne and Kate are really fortunate to have found each other that young and spending so many years together.  I read every issue of Mike and Carolyn's publication, wondering who else is going to show up.  A really great job, Mike and Carolyn.


Albert Perkins, Class of 1957




October 10, 2011




Visited with Jim Guy this week end.  He was not aware of the Roosevelt News and would like to be added to the list of recipients.  Jim attended school at Con-8 until the consolidation with Roosevelt Schools. Thank you and Carolyn for your work preparing and sending the Roosevelt News East Coast Edition. 


Ray Hackney, Class of 1960




Debbie Newton, 49, (Roosevelt Resident)



Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



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Remember--past, current, and all future editions of “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition” can be viewed online from any computer at:  We highly recommend that you bookmark this link.


In addition to viewing all copies of the paper, you can use this website to send comments or news items to us for publication.  Simply enter your name, your class year (if a Roosevelt graduate), your email address, and the comments you want to make or the news item you want to send and click on “Submit Information” button at the bottom left of the page.  The information that you submitted will show on your screen under a title of “Form Confirmation”—confirming that what you entered was sent to our email. 



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