Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –




Carolyn Niebruegge May                                                                 Michael L. May


Vol. 1, Is. 1                 Send News to:           July 22, 2011


From the Editor


Welcome to the first “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition!”  Please don’t judge our future performance (good or bad) on this first edition.  It is a “hurry up and get it out” edition.  The real editor (Carolyn) made it clear to me that we “have to put something on the street soon”--people are expecting it.  So here goes.  First of all we both need to thank all of the great people who now or at one time called Roosevelt, Oklahoma, their home for all your encouragement and assistance in helping us to get together a good database of current e-mail addresses that we can build upon.  Secondly, don’t be confused over the brains behind this endeavor.  It’s not me, it’s Carolyn.  She has put in countless hours working to “make this thing happen.”  Even though she graduated from Snyder, from the work she has poured into this, I wouldn’t be shocked to find a small Rough Rider tattoo conspicuously placed in some obscure location on her body.  I’ll check and let you know.  I seriously thank her from the bottom of my heart for helping to see that I am able to fulfill Wanda’s wish that the “Roosevelt News” would live on.  However, without you and your support and assistance Wanda’s dream will fail.  You must send us stories, comments, updates on your family, news that you have of another present or former Roosevelt resident that needs to be shared.  We can and will find local obituaries to publish, but, again must depend on you for those out of the area.  All information received will be subject to our editing and determination as to it’s appropriateness for printing (remember, this is a “G” rated paper).  I am confident that as much interest as we have seen in “bringing the paper back” we’ll get the assistance we need.  We hope you enjoy our efforts!


Michael L. May (mlm)



A Belated Tribute to Wanda J. Jackson


I think it would be totally wrong to start this project that I know Wanda thought I would take on without relaying a few things about her that you may or may not know.  First of all, I don’t think I should waste my time telling you that she was a little “SPECIAL” because you know that already.  Wanda’s “little world” in Kiowa County was enriched and driven by the things she could do for her community.  She had several “pet” areas of interest -- the Roosevelt News, the web site, the High School Reunion, the alumni in general, the Roosevelt Cemetery, Picture Trail, Find A Grave, and chatting with the “passers by” at Sunny’s every morning as she had her regular -- biscuit with gravy and jelly (never understood the jelly and gravy on the same biscuit).  All of these interests played a major role in her life and in my opinion, extended her life many years beyond what it could have been.  Wanda was “driven” to achieve and excel.  She liked to play herself down as being just a girl from the country, but for those who knew her well, she was nothing short of brilliant and made every effort to see that everything she did was done only one way, correctly.  She always kept me on my toes and never failed, when given an opportunity to correct my grammar, whether written or spoken.  Wanda didn’t miss much.  Her wit was quick and her eye sight sharp.  She was one of the most passionate people I have ever known and I feel truly blessed to have been able to call her my friend.  I made every attempt to enjoy her company at Sunny’s once or twice a day when I got back to Oklahoma.  Most every person who passed through the door stopped for a quick word.  If they didn’t stop, she stopped them.  As I look back, I know that she started preparing me for this job quite some time ago.  Each trip to Oklahoma garnered more pieces of Wanda’s “little treasures” that she had compiled over time.  They ranged from pictures, to writings, to mere musings, to pertinent history of the Roosevelt community, Roosevelt Schools, and all of those who attended class there.  All I needed for her “offering” to be complete was her latest copy of the Roosevelt News contact list.  The one I ended up with is at least two or three years old.  Fortunately, through the excellent work of my dear wife, Carolyn, and with the assistance of many present and former residents of the Roosevelt community, we are well on our way to getting it up-to-date.


Now let me tell you something that you may not know about Wanda.  For all the wonderful things Wanda did for the alumni and the community, in my opinion, her final contribution will live on the longest.  On a phone call over 4 years ago I mentioned to her about an international database called Find A Grave ( that housed information on over 64 million burials worldwide.  This database is used extensively by persons heavily into genealogy.  It is one of the best sources of genealogical information.  This excited Wanda immensely.  You probably know that she worked with local Vo Tech students to photograph and publish in Picture Trail (, on the internet, all of the markers in the Roosevelt Cemetery.  I sensed that Find A Grave would become a “Mission” for her.  It did.  In the last 3 years and 7 months of her life, she documented and registered 4,574 burials in Find A Grave.  They were from several local cemeteries and included the entire roll from the Roosevelt Cemetery.  Most of these included pictures of the markers and complete obituaries (if she could get access to them).  This is an amazing accomplishment!  On my next visit with her after informing her of the Find A Grave site, it became obvious from the passion I saw in her eyes that this might possibly be her last major project.  I told her at that time, “Wanda Jackson, Find A Grave will become your legacy.”  I firmly believe it is.  Her contribution there will last throughout the ages.


My last year with Wanda lacked the excitement of earlier times as her illness was starting to take its toll on her frail little body.  Her eyes still sparkled, but she just didn’t have the energy to make those “two or three times a day” visits to Sunny’s.  Our visits were confined to her home--less talk and more of her “treasures” being passed my way.  I knew that time was short and accepted that Wanda just wasn’t up to “doing it” much longer.  On January 13, 2011, this wonderful lady left this earth leaving behind many friends and memories.


PS  Alums, in case you weren’t aware, Wanda was not a Roosevelt graduate although she did teach school there.  She graduated from Snyder High School in 1952.







As most of you have read or heard on the news, the weather conditions in southwest Oklahoma could hardly be worse.  Very little rain has fallen since October, 2010.  The lack of moisture brought a very meager wheat crop.  The first 7 months of 2011 has brought no relief.  So farmers are still suffering with no moisture to bring up fall crops.  Ranchers are faced with no grass and ponds virtually dry so many are having to sell their cattle.  The water supply for the cities and towns is getting low and voluntary water rationing is in force in most places.  Without rain soon, the situation will be even more dire.  The many consecutive days of temperatures considerably over 100 makes the situation even worse.  This hot, dry weather affects everyone, not just farmers.  All businesses suffer when farm crops fail.  Let us all pray that relief will soon come to those all over the USA who are suffering from these weather conditions.



Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair


- I've learned that:

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.           Author:  Unknown


- Be thinking about an appropriate, long term means to honor Wanda for all she’s done for the Roosevelt community.  Send ideas to us or bring them to the reunion.



Roosevelt High School Reunion 2011


Watch this space for news on the upcoming Roosevelt High School Reunion which will be September 30 and October 1.  We will be bringing you updates on the plans for the Reunion.  In addition, we will include a list of all of those who have sent in their registrations to attend.  Watch to see who of your classmates/friends plan to attend and encourage those who are not on the list to come.  The more the merrier!!



Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have a list as complete as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.




July 21 – Ruby Fern Johnson

July 22 – Carol Hawkins Cooper

July 22 – Carly Michelle Webb

July 26 – Robert Glen Harmon

July 26 – Tucker Johnson

July 28 – Chris Pena

July 28 – LaDonna Turner

July 28 – Gilbert Alonzo




July 28 – Will & Christel Funkhouser

July 28 – Bruce & Diane (Stafford) Yandell



From the Email “Bag”


July 11, 2011


I have only one e-mail address, and it is the one you have used to send me this message.  Thank you so much for doing so; however, I will be unable to attend the reunion.  I am in an assistant living facility in Tennessee.  I'm here because my younger son and wife live here.  He is a professor at Lipscomb University located here. 


Thanks again.     


Ruby Fern Johnson







Thanks for taking on this task of keeping the Roosevelt News ongoing.  It is wonderful that someone will volunteer to do this at this time for so many others who will benefit.

Wanda did a wonderful job and she certainly will be missed.


Kaye Sheets Jackson and I, Eric C. Jackson, live in Kampala, Uganda where we are the Mission President's over the countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea all countries located in the North Eastern Quadrant of Africa.  We have lived in Africa now for over four years and we love to receive the Roosevelt Newspaper and hear about all our old friends and associates.  We plan to serve for about two more years or so then we will return home for a rest period and some attention to our children and grandchildren (20).  We will certainly want to come to the reunion at that point and see all our friends.


We thank you and the others who keep this information flowing from person to person so we all can keep up with and somewhat stay connected to each other.  Say thanks to all those from the area who write to us from time to time to let us know how they are each doing. We love those personal letters and emails.


If you have any costs associated with this work we would be more than happy and willing to contribute to a fund that would keep the expenses away from your pocket books.  That is the least we could do to make it easier for you to help all the rest of the Roosevelt people.


We send our love and affections to all our friends tonight from Kampala.  We just returned home from Juba, Sudan, where it was 115 degrees each day so it felt a little like western Oklahoma in the summer time.


Eric and Kaye Jackson      

Class 1962





Hello Mike:


Yes, I have missed the weekly emails from Wanda with the latest happenings of the Roosevelt community. So nice of you to carry on that correspondence to all of us who have left the area.


My husband and I are currently living in Stuttgart, Germany, but still have our home base in Yukon, Ok. We have been in Germany since the summer of 2008 and have loved every minute of it. Germany is a beautiful country and should be on everyone's "must visit" list. We have been fortunate enough to travel to several other European and Northern African countries and experience the difference in cultures of each country. It has been an incredible experience for this small town Oklahoma girl!!


Our blended family includes 4 sons, 1 daughter and 10 grandchildren. All but one of our children lives in or around the Yukon area. Only our oldest son lives in the Chicago area and has 4 of our grandchildren there.  Needless to say, we have a lot of catching up to do when we return home for visits.


I am hoping to attend the reunion this year; it sounds like there will be many folks there and much visiting with classmates and friends.


Kathy (Boyd) Cacini

Class of 1968


Please send us your updates so that we have lots of Email “Bag” news to share.





We are listing below those from the Roosevelt area who we know have passed on since Wanda last put out news.  We know we don’t have a complete list, so if you have lost a family member or friend from Roosevelt or one with connections to the Roosevelt area, please send us the information so that we can print in future editions.  We have included a link to the complete obituary where possible.


Wanda Jackson,


Wendell Johnson (Class of 1955)


Jerry Brown (Class of 1963)


Bernice Files


Arless Ray Orr (Class of 1963)


Johnnie Sears


Johnie Kay (Muldowney) Holliday (Class of 1965)


John Brett Cooper


Nancy Elaine Barnes


Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



Email Addresses


This newsletter is an email edition.  The only way for you to receive it and keep up-to-date with your friends from Roosevelt is for you to keep us informed of changes to your email address.  So please be sure to notify us at should your email address change.  We also encourage you to send us email addresses for friends and family who might also like to receive the newsletter so that we can include them on our list.




We welcome your comments and feedback on our first issue of the Roosevelt News, East Coast Edition.