Roosevelt News

-- East Coast Edition –


-- Printed in Loving Memory of Wanda J. Jackson 1934 - 2011 –


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 Carolyn Niebruegge May                      Michael L. May

Vol. 1, Is. 10                                                                                      Sept. 23, 2011



From the Editor


I’m writing this “from the editor” segment a little early for this week’s paper.  We’re trying to get as much of the paper complete as possible before we “hit the road” for Oklahoma and the Roosevelt High School Reunion.  Surely you’ve made plans to come.  It will bring back so many pleasant memories.  Don’t miss it! 


We plan to leave here around noon on Wednesday and hope to be there by Friday evening.  That said, this edition will be published “on the road” and most likely from somewhere in “the Land of Clinton” where there’s a good Internet connection.  It will take a fairly concerted effort to complete the trip in two and one half days.  It all depends on weather, traffic, and how well “my driver” holds up.  She is the “captain of ship” and does quite a nice job.  Not sure if she doesn’t like my driving (which she says is not true) or if she just likes to drive.  Whatever, after over 41 years with her I’ve learned to just accept it and “do my thing.”  You say and, “What’s your thing?”  Well I’m a lot like a poorly paid flight attendant.  I do cokes, sandwiches, chips, water, and “whatever”--whatever being Facebook, navigation, radio, email, etc.  In fact about the only thing I can’t do for her as she drives is go to the bathroom.  Since I can’t help her, I do my best at keeping myself comfortable from that perspective.  I often tell people that if they’ve ever wondered why they see so many elderly people going down the road in motor homes it’s not necessarily that they enjoy traveling that way--they just need to take their bathroom with them.  I don’t really think of us as elderly (like our children probably do) but I do enjoy having that little convenience with us.


We hope that our email issues with Yahoo don’t pop up again this week.  It appears that Yahoo eventually released all the emails.  That said, if at anytime you fail to receive your copy of the “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition” please contact us at and don’t forget that all copies are always available at





Content Contributors for the Week


Austilene (Turner) Borum

Junior Curtis

Jerry Hayslip

Carolyn Martin

Jennifer Moore

Candace May Thurmond

All those who sent messages to the Email “Bag”


Thank you all!



More Remembering Willard Cook


Mike, I really enjoyed the story of Willard and his wife Fern.  I was part of the sleigh ride one year traveling Oklahoma and Texas.  My job was called a red coat.  I wore a red jacket and black pants and took tickets from people before they got on the sleigh.  I also helped little kids on and off the sleigh.  My sister Lorene was part of the sleigh ride also.  She was an elf.  She helped with the kids while they were on the sleigh with Santa Claus but she was dressed more like Mrs. Claus then an elf.  Willard was the driver and he wore the green elf suit.  We five had a super great time.  I was with Willard pulling the sleigh to the next town.  Lorene was with Fern in a car and Ho Ho Ho was the driver in the truck hauling the ponies.  I can remember one time we traveled all night to get to our next town.  Willard always carried a big candy cane with him and had it laying on the dash.  He told me if I dozed off he was going to pop me up side of the head with that candy cane.  Needless to say, I did drop off to sleep but I woke up just in time to see him reaching for that cane.  We laughed for a long time after that and even the next day he was telling everybody about this story.  So everyone had a good laugh as I can remember Willard laughing on and off for days cause I cheated him out of hitting me with that candy cane.  I loved Willard and Fern and as of today I still miss and love those two.


Jerry Hayslip



Thoughts from the Squirrel Lair



Bank Account


This is awesome and something we should all remember.


A 92 year old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.  His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary.  After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.   As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.  “I love it,” he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight year old having just been presented with a new puppy.


Mr. Jones, you haven’t seen the room; just wait.  That doesn’t have anything to do with it, he replied.  Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.  Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged—it’s how I arrange my mind.  I already decided to love it.  It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up.  I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do.  Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away just for this time in my life.  Old age is like a bank account.  You withdraw from what you’ve put in.  So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories!


Remember the five simple rules to be happy:


Free your heart from hatred.

Free your mind from worries.

Love simply.

Give more.

Expect less.



Roosevelt High School Reunion 2011


Watch this space for news on the upcoming Roosevelt High School Reunion which will be September 30 and October 1.  We will be bringing you updates on the plans for the Reunion.  In addition, we will include a list of all of those who have sent in their registrations to attend.  Watch to see who of your classmates/friends plan to attend and encourage those who are not on the list to come.  The more the merrier!!




20 Year Party


The class of 1991 would like to invite everyone to come help them celebrate their 20 year class reunion.  We will meet at the Roosevelt Bar Friday night, Sept. 30, after the mixer at the grade school.  Hope to see you there. 






As the 2009 Newsflash which was sent out with the Reunion Invite and Registration form mentioned, there will be an auction again this year.  The auction is very important as that is the source of revenue to keep the Alumni Association functioning.  The past auctions have raised funds which enabled the Alumni Committee to make the decision to eliminate the $5 membership fees.  So as we approach the reunion, everyone needs to be thinking of items they will bring to auction.  You might be surprised how much one of your former classmates would like to have an item of yours.  We thought it might stir up interest if we could publish a list of items you are planning to bring.  So please email us a listing of any items you plan to bring,


Items thus far:


Jerry Hayslip:

Basketball autographed by the 1995 OU Sooners girls’ team

Crank telephone from the 1940’s or 1950’s

Porcelain Miss Piggy doll, new in the box

Porcelain Kermit doll, new in the box


Jennifer Moore:

2 (1 red and 1 white) XL Our Pride Roosevelt 1902-1993 tee shirts

2 OU fee shirts

OU caps and several other OU items


Mike May:

2 Carpenter Family Cookbooks (compiled, edited, and autographed by Carolyn Niebruegge May)


Joyce Henson:

Cabbage Patch Doll

Happy Holiday Barbie Doll

United States Flag


Cathy Franks:

Metal Box - made by her Uncle Don Ellis



Suggestion for Reunion Dinner

Hi everyone.  I am looking to the future at the school reunion dinner time or as we said in the past supper time.  For the last few reunions when we would line up for the meal, there was a bowl for salad, then a bowl or plate for potato salad, onion, tomato, pickles and then a plate for the roast beef or pork and moving on down a small plate with dessert on it, then bread and finally there were the drinks waiting on you.  Good luck on carrying the tea or coffee much less everything else I have mentioned.  So I think it would be a good idea to have trays to place all of our food and drinks on.  I have 10 or 15 I can donate.  If any one else has trays they can donate or bring for the reunion, it would be helpful.  Maybe for the future, we can keep an eye out for trays at a reasonable price that we could buy.  So what do you folks think?  I think a tray is what we need to carry those 4 to 6 bowls, plates, and cups. 
Jerry Hayslip



Reservations for the 2011 Roosevelt High School Reunion have been received from the following:  Those in red are new this week.


Class of 1943:  Clyde Blackwood

Class of 1945:  Joyce (Clark) Henson and Alex Cedillo & Annette Williams; Frances (Smith) Hopkins and Bill Smith; Wanda Adkins

Class of 1946:  Emily (Martin) Bennight and Welsey; Mable Blackwood

Class of 1947:  Bobbi (Alford) Buckner

Class of 1948:  Cotton (Muse) Mathis and James; Richard McConnell; Dee (Muse) Moore

Class of 1949:  Bob Sheets; Pat Moore; Norene (Goodin) Jackson and Willie

Class of 1950:  Paul Hay

Class of 1951:  Lena (Kenimer) Harris; Betty Broadus

Class of 1953:  Tom Alford; Shirley (Webb) Cook and Dober; Evelyn Walters; L. D. Sheets and Oweeda;  Phyllis (Cook) Stafford and Randall

Class of 1955:  Beverly Gray and Don Taylor

Class of 1956:  Rose (Chance) Anderson; Dwight Peterson; Buck Cook; Bill Pitts and Edra

Class of 1957:  Jim Law and Alice; Johnny Block; Walter Farrar; Darrell Cooper and Dovie

Class of 1958:  Merle Jones and Kathy Falconer; Ronald Hebensperger and Janet; Arden Beavers and Sharon; LuAnn Cook

Class of 1959:  Jerry Alford; Norwood Pollard; Gene Janes and Janice; Mike Berridge; Dale Tufford; Dale Cain; Jackie Davis; Dolores (Eaton) Earley; Betty (Gaidaroff) Morgan and Linda (Gaidaroff) Clark; Lee Griffee and Shirley; Betty (Armstrong) Barnes and James and Kendra; Yvette Nash

Class of 1960:  Henry Graves and Delois; Cheryl Eaton; Jimmie Johnson and Carolyn; Joel Cook and Deanna Cook; Ray Hackney and Martha Hackney

Class of 1961:  Paula (Miller) Block; Linda (Muldowney) Dills and Robert; Jim Hebensperger; Linda (Goodin) Hash; Judy (Nash) Williams and Eddie; Bobbie (Scalf) Simmons and Jim Simmons

Class of 1962:  Joe Mac Ankney; Howard (Rex) LaFever and Mary; Dan Hayslip and Susan; Bill and Jean Ann (Schrader) Lyde; Ronnie Collmer; Freddie Johnson and Joan; Austilene (Turner) Borum; Sam McNeil and Doug; Ralph Farrar

Class of 1963:  Johnny Alford; Karen Denton and Tommy; Stana Hammons

Class of 1964:  Bonnie (Pollard) Phillips and John; Jerry Hayslip; Tommy Hebensperger

Class of 1965:  Michael May and Carolyn; Bobby Miller

Class of 1966:  Malynda Adams and Donald

Class of 1968:  Judy (Starcher) Tripp; Kathy (Boyd) Cacini; Jennifer Moore; Linda Kay (Wallace) Ankney

Class of 1969:  Janet (Starcher) Shirley and Randy; Sebi Alonzo and Linda Alonzo; Glenda (Sparks) Hyneman; Elizabeth (Boydston) Miller

Class of 1971:  Glen Brazil

Class of 1972:  Jenny Loveless and Paul; Joe Rutledge

Class of 1973:  Rick Hilliard; Bruce Cook and Vickie; Shirley (Collmer) Funkhouser and Stan Funkhouser

Class of 1975:  David Jackson; Gilbert Alonzo and Tonya Burton

Class of 1977:  Gayla (Cook) Miller; Johnny Starcher and Donna Schiller

Class of 1978:  David Stroud and Gayleen; Penny (Martin) McCustion

Class of 1979:  Pam (Stroud) Jackson; Sabrina (Stroup) Vincent

Class of 1981:  Donnie Peterson and Michelle and Danial

Class of 1985:  Chris Ankney and Clelsen Ankney

Class of 1988:  Mijo Chard and Linda Melton

Class of 1989:  Ryvers Simmons

Class of 1991:  Glenda Jenkins and Cody; Krystal (Mahoney) Lancaster, Bill and Tommy

Guests:  Brenda (Stroud) Wilhite; Clithia (Stroud) Kilbourne; Carri Stroud; Carolyn Martin; Charles and Barbara Pollard; Samatha Jo (Cooper) Beason and Robert



Alumni Website


We have renewed the account that Wanda Jackson had set up at the photo sharing website, for the Roosevelt Alumni:  She had posted many pictures from past reunions, class panels, and old schools buildings along with write ups about them.  We thought you might find these interesting if you haven’t visited this site in the past.



Where have you been?  What have you done?  Jennifer Moore, Class of 1968


Oh… the life of Jennifer Moore began September 3, 1950, in the Hobart Hospital.  I lived all but 2 years of my young life in Roosevelt until I started college.  I went to Cameron State College, Lawton, OK, in the fall of 1968.  Spent 2 years there and made some very good friends.  Then went to Southwestern State College in Weatherford, OK, and graduated with a BA in Sociology in 1973.  A lot of good this degree did me.  I spent my short time as a social worker in Oklahoma County with DHS.  I knew, not too far down the road, this was not what I wanted to do with my life.  Thoughts of going to grad school at my beloved University of Oklahoma entered my mind but by this time my father had passed away and I was back living in Roosevelt helping my mother.  I worked for Beck and Root Propane Company.  Then a position became available at Allied Telephone Co. working once again for the Peterson’s.   After a while there was a shakeup in the company, my position was cancelled… then my life took a totally different turn.

I moved to California. This was April, 1974...  Between early 74 and late 77, I lived over a lot these United States:  Arizona, California, Indiana, Maryland, and Tennessee to name a few.   Then on October 31, 1977, I moved to Norman Oklahoma.  AHHHHHH… my beloved Sooner Land at last.


I lived and worked in different places in Norman until I was hired in December, 2000, at Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma.  Not only was I in Sooner Heaven, my football, M basketball and W basketball season tickets would cost much less than those “outside” people.  Being staff or faculty at OU has quite a few perks.  As I well know, you don’t work at OU for the money. The benefits are what keep you!!  I imagine you can tell by now, I am an avid Sooner sports nut.  Started going to football games in mid 80’s; never missed a game for several years. Then men’s basketball games with a dear friend of mine and finally had to give up men’s in exchange for women’s basketball. I LOVE women’s basketball.  Have great seats and scream myself horse every game.  Throw in a little softball and baseball and that is my life.


Of course all you “Orange” people don’t understand the Crimson way of thinking!!  (Mike, I just had to throw that in.)  I know there is lot of Orange out there.  After I served my time at Price College of Business, I went to work in Human Resources where I remain today.  This is an interesting position.  I find out more about people than I really need to know-- meaning, I run all of the Background Checks on incoming employees at OU.  I work in Employment and Compensation as a Human Resources Technician.  I wear a lot of different hats in this job but it is enjoyable.  A lot of long hours and not much pay, but I am not complaining.  I DO have a job.


I was not blessed with children of my own but I have some wonderful “adopted” children I call my own.  Among those are Aldon, Carol, Shane and Lindy Cooper.  I don’t know what I would do without them.  And my dear Shane is a sophomore at OU.  Am I lucky or what?  Also, Lynn and Tracy, 2 of Aldon’s siblings, are OU graduates.  Now I will start working on Lindy.


One other tidbit… Not a lot of people can say they have Life Long friends… But I am one of those.  Since we were 12-11 years old, Elizabeth Boydston Miller and I have been best friends and will stay that way. 


This is the first 61 years of my life… who knows what will come next.  Do hope to retire in a year and sometime after that move to New Orleans.  But will always be Crimson and Cream through and through.


BOOMER SOONER.  Live Well, Laugh Often and Love SOONERS





Southern Kiowa Chamber Fall Festival


The Southern Kiowa Chamber, Snyder, Mt. Park, and Roosevelt is holding their 3rd Annual Fall Festival, Saturday, October 1 in downtown Snyder.  Many events including train rides, kids coloring contest, outhouse races, a carnival, a flea market, car show, and concerts to name just a few are planned throughout the day.  The full schedule of events can be viewed at the following website:


Check out all of the events and plan to attend with your family.  A good time is a sure bet.



Birthdays and Anniversaries


We have compiled all of the birthday and anniversary information we could from Wanda’s files.  We are sure we are missing some.  Please send us the birthdays and anniversaries for your family and friends so that we can have as complete as list as possible.  We are going to start with what we have from Wanda’s files so if we miss you, please send us the information so we have it for the news next year.  In addition, should any of the birthdays we list be wrong, also please let us know.


Happy Birthday To:


September 23 – Matthew Ragsdale
September 23 – Steve Boyd
September 23 – Chris Martin, Class of 1991
September 23 – Betty R. Miller
September 24 – Ramona Cline
September 24 – Tom Alford, Class of 1953
September 24 – Georgia Block Beers, Class of 1943
September 25 – Julie Funkhouser
September 26 – Cindy Garrison
September 26 – Karey (Phillips) Kirkendoll
September 27 – Lindsey McCuiston

September 28 – Mary Jan Jackson Swanson, Class of 1967
September 28 – Carson Lane Jackson
September 29 – Chris Ankney, Class of 1985

Happy Anniversary To:


September 24 –  Kate & Wayne Stafford
September 26 –  Odie Lee & Debbie Hopkins







For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on.


At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, ”If Ford had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.”

In response to Bill's comments, Ford issued a press release stating:
If Ford had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics (and I just love this part):

1.  For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash.........Twice a day.

2.  Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.

3.  Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.

5.  Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive but would run on only five percent of the roads.

6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single 'This Car Has Performed An illegal Operation' warning light.

I love the next one!!!

7. The airbag system would ask 'Are you sure?' before deploying.

8.  Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.

9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

10. You'd have to press the 'Start' button to turn the engine off.

PS - I'd like to add that when all else fails, you could call 'customer service' in some foreign country and be instructed in some foreign language how to fix your car yourself!!!!

Please share this with your friends who love - but sometimes hate - their computer!



From the Email “Bag”


September 15, 2011


Hello Mike and all,

I just wanted to pass on this news:  I am Sheri (Pound) Wann, Class of 1982. I am married to Terry, and we have three sons, Jeff and wife Kristin and daughter Chelsi, Dustin, and Timmy. We currently live in Pawhuska, OK, and have for 14 years now.  I am the daughter of the late Jimmy Pound and Shelia Pound. As most know, Daddy passed away in 2006.  Mother sold the house in Roosevelt and now lives in Hobart, OK

This time of year always brings back memories of Daddy, for today was his birthday.  The Haunted House is getting ready for another year, and most know that Daddy played the part of "Frankenstein" every year. Who knew that first year that it would be an annual event!
I can remember Daddy would always go and deliver propane for anyone that called, no matter when it was. I remember as a little girl that he once delivered on Christmas day "because the family had children." That's stuck in my mind all these years.  I also remember getting "fire phone" calls at all hours.  I miss Daddy; maybe others have memories to share?

Anyway, please continue this "paper" as I sure like it! Thanks!

God Bless!


Sheri Wann, Class of 1982

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."



September 15, 2011


Hi Mike,


I am Glenda Griffee Mayfield.  I recently moved from Harrah, Okla. to Abingdon, Va. and have lost contact with the group in Roosevelt.  Could you add me to the list for newsletters and alumni news.  I was with the class of 1961.  It is our 50th this year, so I would be interested in any activities that are going on in that regard.  My e-mail address is:








September 15, 2011



You have great recollections of Roosevelt.  I had forgotten about the snow cone stand and the Willard Cook story is great.  Don't get discouraged and keep the Roosevelt News in circulation.  There are many of us who enjoy it.  I know it is a daunting task but you are providing a great service for an exchange of information.

Thanks for all you do.


Walter Farrar




September 15, 2011


Mike and Carolyn,


Thank you for the good work you are doing.  I have lived in the Roosevelt area for almost 6 years – our place is east of town on my grandfather’s land.  Whenever I would drive in to Roosevelt I learned to look for Wanda’s car at the gas station.  She introduced me to many people and I enjoyed sitting and talking with her.  She knew my family and made me feel welcome.  My father was born in Mountain Park.  My mother was born in Hobart, but her family (Jimmie Ellis) lived at the twin mountains.  So, my background isn’t completely Roosevelt, but I feel like it is all Kiowa County.  (My brother and I were born in Hobart, too).


For the auction – I will be thinking of something, but if you know of anything we might be able to contribute, please let me know.


Thanks for carrying on for Wanda.  She was a very special lady – and married to a distant cousin of mine.  (My great grandfather was Thomas Brannon, a Brannon married a Jackson, so we are related to one of the Jackson strains – Aaron Jackson)  That’s all I know! 


Thanks again,


Cathy Franks




September 16, 2011


We enjoyed the news very much!  Below are some pictures of our drought.  Houston has had 11" of rain this year whereas our normal for this date is 39".  We had 3 fires in George Bush Park about 3 miles from us two days ago.  No homes were damaged, but a lot of acreage was burned.  We've lost all of our St. Augustine grass, but keeping the scrubs and trees alive.  Also, we water our foundation as some are cracking.


We'll write something real soon.




Kate Stafford, Class of 1951




September 16, 2011


Mike, hopefully you will soon be receiving a lot of mail for the Roosevelt News. You are doing a great job and I know everyone enjoys it.


Following our 50th High School Reunion, for 14 years I wrote a Newsletter for our Class of 1945 and there was great participation.  It was sent through the U.S. mail every three months and was a great way for all of us to stay connected, even to this day.


You and others might enjoy dreaming about the prices in these comments made in 1955.


Frances (Roberts) Herod

Class of 1945




September 16, 2011


Please add my name to your distribution list.  We currently live just outside Chicago, and the newsletter is a nice gift from HOME.


Thanks again for all your hard work!


Debbie (Farris) Bryant




September 17, 2011


Hello and Good Morning,


I was wondering if more books were needed for the library there at the Grade School or wherever the library is.   Let me know soon because I can get books at a good price here in Norman and will bring them when I come to the reunion.


Thanks and see you both in a couple of weeks.


Must go as I am scheduled for a face lift, tummy tuck, etc., use of Botox and liposuction where needed and have my hair dyed either red or black - still deciding on that.  (I am assuming Austilene is working to be the best she can be for the reunion.  Mike)


Bye - hugs – Austilene (Turner) Borum




September 19, 2011




I appreciate very much you honoring my Dad.  He was a promoter in every sense of the word.  Thanks loads. 


Buck Cook




September 20, 2011


Hello Mike:


I worked at the bank after my brother Charles Elix was killed in an auto accident in 1967.  I took over his job.  I worked before and after school and sometimes on Saturday until we moved to Kansas City when I graduated in 1968.  As for as I can remember, Mr. Smelser was a nice man.  My mother worked for his wife.  She was a very nice lady.


I don't remember much about my school days.  I remember 1st & 2nd grade and Mrs. Sears and Mrs. Edmundson.  Mrs. Sears always called us little people when we got to rowdy.  She was nice.  And I could never forget Mrs. Sensabaugh.  I think she taught 4th grade.  I remember her always telling us ain't ain't a word.


I remember the year we went to visit a mental health sanitarium.  I will never forget that.  The teacher (I don't remember who he was) laughed at us all the way home.  He said we were clinging to each other and he had never seen us so quiet.  That was fun.  (By the way, if any of my classmates remember the teacher’s name, I would like to know.)


I remember when I was in first grade we had a band and I marched in it.  I still have the dress my mother made.  At one time, the girls had a softball team and girls and boys basketball teams.  I was terrible at basketball.  My brother was very good.  I think he was homecoming King his senior year, but I am not sure.


I do remember that gradually all the fun things were taken away until there was nothing left.  The juniors and seniors were the only ones who were allowed to make money at the fair for senior trips.  By the time I got to the 11th grade only the seniors were allowed and my senior year all senior trips were limited to the State of Oklahoma.  Oh well, it was better than nothing.  I got to bowl for the first and realized I hated it.


I don't know if or when I will return "to the place I call home."  I have a very bad back and will be having a second back surgery next month.  Riding short or long distances is very uncomfortable.  I couldn't make the trip almost 3 years ago when my mother, Mary Whitlow, was taken home to be buried.


I chatted with Wanda quite a bit via e-mail.  She was a very nice lady.  The rest of my family got to meet her at mother's funeral but unfortunately I never had the pleasure.


I enjoy the newsletter.  It keeps me in touch with home and helps keep the spark of some of the old memories alive in this old brain. (Smile)   You are doing a very good job and I do really appreciate your caring enough to continue what Wanda started.  Thank You.


There is nothing to eventful with me in my old age.   I have 2 children a son, Paul, 37 and a daughter, Jocelyn, 35.  I have 2 grandsons, ages 11 and 2 1/2.  (My sons)  My daughter doesn't have any.     


Linda Elix Newson 

Class of 1968 





We regret that in the last two issues of the paper in references made to the death of Joan (Johnson) Christenson her name was misspelled.  We spelled it “Christianson” -- the correct spelling is “Christenson.”.


Mike L. Jackson, 59, Class of 1960


We just learned of the January death of Ben Adkins, husband of Wanda (Moore) Adkins (Class of 1945).


Useful Links:


Becker Funeral Home of Snyder, OK


Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home of Hobart, Mt. View, and Carnegie, OK


Roosevelt Cemetery Layout


Roosevelt Cemetery Markers (Picture Trail)


Roosevelt Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Rose Cemetery on Find A Grave


Hobart Resurrection (Catholic) Cemetery on Find A Grave


Mountain Park Cemetery on Find A Grave


Snyder Fairlawn Cemetery on Find A Grave



News Center -- Always Available Online


Remember--past, current, and all future editions of “Roosevelt News -- East Coast Edition” can be viewed online from any computer at:  We highly recommend that you bookmark this link.


In addition to viewing all copies of the paper, you can use this website to send comments or news items to us for publication.  Simply enter your name, your class year (if a Roosevelt graduate), your email address, and the comments you want to make or the news item you want to send and click on “Submit Information” button at the bottom left of the page.  The information that you submitted will show on your screen under a title of “Form Confirmation”—confirming that what you entered was sent to our email. 



Email Addresses


This newsletter is an email edition.  The only way for you to receive it and keep up-to-date with your friends from Roosevelt is for you to keep us informed of changes to your email address.  So please be sure to notify us at should your email address change.  We also encourage you to send us email addresses for friends and family who might also like to receive the newsletter so that we can include them on our list.





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